Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

But now here’s my other problem. I really can’t ignore her. usually think about her throughout the day. So then I just think to myself well I’ll see what she’s up to say hi. Maybe I do come off as a little bit overbearing at times. I don’t mean anything by it just kind of my personality I guess.

Brah you can think about her, just dont chase her. If you ignore her a little, then she will want you. If she chases you, then you are all set
They like to be chased though. You just have to figure out if she’s worth chasing and if she reciprocates. Good truth right there @iceman440
Here’s what Ive learned over the years about women and relationships. You must be content in your self before you can be content with someone else. A woman is not going to bring love, that already has to be there. Be who the fuck you are, women will find you. Be yourself around them, dont be so concerned about what they are thinking or if you are doing every little thing right or wrong. You can’t always get the woman you think you want. If you’re true with yourself and to others you’ll get the woman you need.
Here’s what Ive learned over the years about women and relationships. You must be content in your self before you can be content with someone else. A woman is not going to bring love, that already has to be there. Be who the fuck you are, women will find you. Be yourself around them, dont be so concerned about what they are thinking or if you are doing every little thing right or wrong. You can’t always get the woman you think you want. If you’re true with yourself and to others you’ll get the woman you need.
Right on Jerry Springer! It’s true though - nothing turns a woman on more than a man who is confident in himself. And of course the old adage is true: birds of a feather flock together. You get your stuff together and a woman who has hers together will be attracted to what you have. Psychos will too, but being confident in yourself will help you weed them out. Unless you like psychos.
I think he was saying you were accepted and then you said you didn't want it. Am I Wrong?
Um I honestly have no idea :D But if YOU wanna explain anything to me YOU have my full attention lol ;) I’m kinda like @Worf in this sense, a good reader/listener. That’s when it’s texting/talking lol! ;) :p
Rumor has it once your on @Urgentfury12 list. It’s written in sharpie and posted on his refrigerator of death. But it could be rumors but highly doubtful. I’d say your fucked. Sorry
Well it’s a good thing I have Jesus on my side then! With my prayers, TGIs Tren, my Swiss Army knife in my fanny pack, at least I’ll be prepared!! o_O:D:p

Now time to catch up on this thread! I’m way behind, wtf!?
My favorite time of year!! :)
Um I honestly have no idea :D But if YOU wanna explain anything to me YOU have my full attention lol ;) I’m kinda like @Worf in this sense, a good reader/listener. That’s when it’s texting/talking lol! ;) :p

Well it’s a good thing I have Jesus on my side then! With my prayers, TGIs Tren, my Swiss Army knife in my fanny pack, at least I’ll be prepared!! o_O:D:p

Now time to catch up on this thread! I’m way behind, wtf!?
My favorite time of year!! :)
I can’t handle a Swiss Army knife, your off the list for nowo_O
Anyone got any good workout music ideas on Pandora? I like classic rock, southern rock and country but listen to metal and alternative rock in the gym due to its energy. Channels I listen to are getting stale though. Rap isn’t music so don’t go there.