Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Want me to make you a list of medicines with alternative uses? Or even poisons we use treat chronic illnesses? Because there's a lot. The only difference between medicine and poison is the dose. And what a Government has to say? Weed and LSD are still a Federal Schedule 1. I'll stick with what the researchers say.
Medicines was the key word in that statement. Dnp has been banned since 03. You’re going to compare dnp to a hallucinogenic ? Or weed? Lmao. How many deaths from either one of those? My guess is ZERO.

Make sure to give dnp to your kids,mom,dad,brother or sister so they can be slim and fit since it’s a good safe drug in your book.
1500lb total is a great total, unbelievable. You weigh 266 now though and have had more time to train.

I pulled 545 and low bar'd 500 recently. Shoulder is fucked so really no benching..it's taken me a long time to reach those number accompanied by a "clean" lift. So kudos to you man, good luck moving forward.
Thanks bud, I'm excited to see where my lifts are by the end of 2019. Will be training at 230ish.

Sucks about the injury, coming back from MCL tear myself.
Thanks bud, I'm excited to see where my lifts are by the end of 2019. Will be training at 230ish.

Sucks about the injury, coming back from MCL tear myself.

Rehab it correctly. My training partner has had 2 mcl's and squats like a madman, proper recovery is the key to future success.
Rehab it correctly. My training partner has had 2 mcl's and squats like a madman, proper recovery is the key to future success.
Idk if I would call it correctly rehabbing, but I definitely took my time and took it slow. Squatted 385 for 9 2 weeks ago. Everything feeling nice and strong after 16 weeks away from squats.
Medicines was the key word in that statement. Dnp has been banned since 03. You’re going to compare dnp to a hallucinogenic ? Or weed? Lmao. How many deaths from either one of those? My guess is ZERO.

Make sure to give dnp to your kids,mom,dad,brother or sister so they can be slim and fit since it’s a good safe drug in your book.
Alright, i get it. You've already made your mind up to be against it. But, you haven't made a single valid point to justify your rationale.
Losing 50lbs rapidly, would save many people lives. It would dramatically High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Chance of stroke, Sleep apnea, Osteoarthritis with NO resounding side effects would be 100% worth it. Not including medical theories, and evidence of it being a Anti-carcinogen.
Can speak from experience, was nearly 300 pounds of pure fat as a junior in high school. Would just binge eat all the time and wish for a change. After football season ended I said fuck it and got down to 190 and competed at state for weightlifting.

That's awesome man. My younger brother went through the same so I know how tough it is.
Sounds legit. Fuck it I’ll put some in my body to lose a few pounds...:rolleyes: The fucking Russians banned this shit. What does that tell you? ITS FUCKING POISON!!!

DNP has also been used to make photographic developers and explosives (see shellite). DNP is classified as an explosive in UK and USA. From December 2018 DNP is classified as "illegalpoisonous substance" in Russia.
And chemotherapy is mustard gas, yet that’s ok for cancer treatment? Please.
Alright, i get it. You've already made your mind up to be against it. But, you haven't made a single valid point to justify your rationale.
Losing 50lbs rapidly, would save many people lives. It would dramatically High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Chance of stroke, Sleep apnea, Osteoarthritis with NO resounding side effects would be 100% worth it. Not including medical theories, and evidence of it being a Anti-carcinogen.
I haven’t made one single valid point? Really? You can find as many studies as you want saying it’s good and I’ll match every single study saying why it’s not good.
So you would have zero problems buying this illegal drug and giving it to a loved one correct?
I was talking about the health risks of being fat compared to that of DNP but okay.
Then why isn’t it being used? Besides back problems over weight people is probably one of the single biggest problems. Don’t you think if it was great someone somewhere would be rich AF by making this legal and selling it?
I haven’t made one single valid point? Really? You can find as many studies as you want saying it’s good and I’ll match every single study saying why it’s not good.
So you would have zero problems buying this illegal drug and giving it to a loved one correct?
Like scientific literature supporting your case? I would be surprised and would love to see it so i could adjust my view on this compound. Only thing i have read would be rare cases of Peripheral Neuropathy.