Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Old friend of mine only 6 years older than me died. Heart attack. His 2 young sons found him dead. On the toilet. I started building my gym when i got the news.

I'm a big home gym fan. Best decision I ever made. It's pretty good by most standards. Saves time, no excuses, only negative is the lack of people/training crew to spur you on. If you have thoughts or questions like flooring, equipment etc hit me up.
Alright, alright. I don't want to over do this whole DNP thing, HIGHRISK, I understand where you're coming from and you having a differing opinion is just fine.
Bloods taken at week 4, 24 hours after pin

100mg Test P EOD
100mg Tren A EOD
100mg Mast P EOD
50mg Anavar ED
20mg Nolva ED
12.5mg Aromasin EOD
Caber .50mg E3D


  • 0919506B-204A-4310-BBEA-9D321F7455EC.png
    350.2 KB · Views: 71
Strongest country boys I knew never touched weights, but get them on the field or wrestling mat and you better watch out.
Kids would workout all the time 24/7
Bloods taken at week 4, 24 hours after pin

100mg Test P EOD
100mg Tren A EOD
100mg Mast P EOD
50mg Anavar ED
20mg Nolva ED
12.5mg Aromasin EOD
Caber .50mg E3D
Might want to back the Caber down to .5/week and maybe aromasin e3d.
Bloods taken at week 4, 24 hours after pin

100mg Test P EOD
100mg Tren A EOD
100mg Mast P EOD
50mg Anavar ED
20mg Nolva ED
12.5mg Aromasin EOD
Caber .50mg E3D

You’re using too much caber. You would do fine without it.

Caber isn’t good to take long term. It’ll fuck up your heart.

How do you feel otherwise? If it were me, I feel better with my estrogen higher than that but some guys like being around 20 which is right where you are. I would use aromasin 12.5 mg once a week and be in the 40-50 range. It’s a preference that varies person to person.
You’re using too much caber. You would do fine without it.

Caber isn’t good to take long term. It’ll fuck up your heart.

How do you feel otherwise? If it were me, I feel better with my estrogen higher than that but some guys like being around 20 which is right where you are. I would use aromasin 12.5 mg once a week and be in the 40-50 range. It’s a preference that varies person to person.
Oh does it say 18.2? My bad, thought it was 10.2
You’re using too much caber. You would do fine without it.

Caber isn’t good to take long term. It’ll fuck up your heart.

How do you feel otherwise? If it were me, I feel better with my estrogen higher than that but some guys like being around 20 which is right where you are. I would use aromasin 12.5 mg once a week and be in the 40-50 range. It’s a preference that varies person to person.

I feel great, I can tell a little dry in the joint but not terrible at all so I like where the estrogen is, have a little gyno from previous cycle so I was a little gernerous on the dosage. May try 12.5 E3D of the aromasin and see how I feel.

Will run caber at .5/week prolactin is too low.
Completely off the topic, but isn’t everything? I just got my Remington iLight Pro and I’m zapping my shoulders and the rest of my back that the laser didn’t hit. I’m hoping it works because if it does, it’s a great $60 investment. It’s normally like $400+ but I got it on this site that resells stuff and this seems to work just fine.
Question... if someone benches over 500lbs squats more than that and deadlifts about the same. Is that person deserving of a handicap sticker to park in the handicap spot at the gym? Or anywhere for that matter?

Does he wear shorts to the gym? He could perhaps have a prosthetic leg under those gym pants.....or an amputated foot... many factors that could make him handicap but can lift heavy but not able to walk far.
Completely off the topic, but isn’t everything? I just got my Remington iLight Pro and I’m zapping my shoulders and the rest of my back that the laser didn’t hit. I’m hoping it works because if it does, it’s a great $60 investment. It’s normally like $400+ but I got it on this site that resells stuff and this seems to work just fine.
Use it on yer vaaage
Haven’t watched tv in a long time so I didn’t even make the connection. Just assumed you thought I was lying as people normally do on the internet lol
Everything you read on the internet is true man!
I mean I just read, yesterday I think, that @Skorecese loves his ass fingered. So much so that now he’s getting married!

When Tren becomes part of your life, you get your ass fingered and then make her your wife! :p

Facts man! All facts up here on the internet! o_O

Btw, congrats on the proposal @Skorecese :) you boney fuck!! :p
Medicines was the key word in that statement. Dnp has been banned since 03. You’re going to compare dnp to a hallucinogenic ? Or weed? Lmao. How many deaths from either one of those? My guess is ZERO.

Make sure to give dnp to your kids,mom,dad,brother or sister so they can be slim and fit since it’s a good safe drug in your book.

This is why people create alternate handles to troll you with. 'Cause you're a wise ass. (Love it, don't change!) :D