Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Then why aren’t they using it
As you may have guessed by our awesome big pharma and healthcare system, medicines are not created to cure diseases, but to create patients. There have been cures for cancer throughout the years and they’ve all be stifled by our lovely government. Cures don’t create billions of dollars.
Alright, i get it. You've already made your mind up to be against it. But, you haven't made a single valid point to justify your rationale.
Losing 50lbs rapidly, would save many people lives. It would dramatically High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Chance of stroke, Sleep apnea, Osteoarthritis with NO resounding side effects would be 100% worth it. Not including medical theories, and evidence of it being a Anti-carcinogen.

Then surely someone way smarter then any of us can make something much safer and not use under the kitchen sink chemicals ?
Completely off the topic, but isn’t everything? I just got my Remington iLight Pro and I’m zapping my shoulders and the rest of my back that the laser didn’t hit. I’m hoping it works because if it does, it’s a great $60 investment. It’s normally like $400+ but I got it on this site that resells stuff and this seems to work just fine.

What’s the site?

Keep us posted. I was reading up on those and never pulled the trigger because people kept saying 1 cartridge will last a while and fhe next cartridge will only last 5 minutes?

Anyone have the Tria Laser? From what I read it hurts more, but there is no cartridge to replace? I don’t like that it is rechargeable.

I ask because they have good deals on eBay all the time on the Tria.
What’s the site?

Keep us posted. I was reading up on those and never pulled the trigger because people kept saying 1 cartridge will last a while and fhe next cartridge will only last 5 minutes?

Anyone have the Tria Laser? From what I read it hurts more, but there is no cartridge to replace? I don’t like that it is rechargeable.

I ask because they have good deals on eBay all the time on the Tria.
The site and app is called Mercari. This came with a total of 4 flash bulbs that are good for like 6000 each I believe.

I went back and forth on the iLight and the Tria and in the end, the iLight gave better reviews than the Tria.
So @Skorecese gets engaged, and asserts his dominance on his finance alrdy . Love it

And to everyone about the DNP, pm @Eman. He has a lot of information. He is to DNP as @Roger rabbit is to medicine lol

Other than that,I think we should drop it. We won’t like it when @HIGHRISK is angry....
What’s the site?

Keep us posted. I was reading up on those and never pulled the trigger because people kept saying 1 cartridge will last a while and fhe next cartridge will only last 5 minutes?

Anyone have the Tria Laser? From what I read it hurts more, but there is no cartridge to replace? I don’t like that it is rechargeable.

I ask because they have good deals on eBay all the time on the Tria.
Forgot to mention - they have Tria’s There too so you can get both for the price of one.
As you may have guessed by our awesome big pharma and healthcare system, medicines are not created to cure diseases, but to create patients. There have been cures for cancer throughout the years and they’ve all be stifled by our lovely government. Cures don’t create billions of dollars.
Too bad I don’t have this info when my grandmother died from cancer. All I had do was give her dnp.
The site and app is called Mercari. This came with a total of 4 flash bulbs that are good for like 6000 each I believe.

I went back and forth on the iLight and the Tria and in the end, the iLight gave better reviews than the Tria.

Thanks. Keep us posted. The cartridges aren’t cheap so when people said they lasted 100 flashes vs 6000 it made me wonder.
Thanks man, I'm usually a very easy-going guy as long as you don't fuck with me or my family, so I'm hoping it is something I can keep in my cycles.

Although I did have to deal with some fucks on a plane I took home for spring break. My gf was sitting on the edge (i had the window seat), and when we were all getting off like 5 people just walked right past her without letting her up. So I said very loudly to the general public "I know somebody is gonna fucking stop and let us out", "dont get me hot on this motherfucker", gf immediately got red faced and rushed off the plane hahaha. I died laughing, because i wasn't angry at all just letting them know they weren't just going to make us wait for everyone to get off.
You and tren are going to be a cluster fuck.