Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

So now for the million dollar question. Will you maintain a presence in this thread or will you be going black ops private source?
Hard to say right now. I want to be active on the board. I love meso. But i want out of the spotlight. Because that is smart. And i know i can't sling private and make another handle. I would hope also everyone knows by now i have more integrity than that.
How exactly will it work? Do we have to meet a minimal amount of purchases to stay a clientele? Or is two a year blaster and trt guy welcomed (me)

And will have you have a private website, or will we have to email for a list?
no website, minimal footprint. Email will likely change and i don't think making people order a certain amount is fair (I'm not going to keep track of that shit for one, and 2, it's unrealistic).
Last call for orders going out tonight. If it ain't paid for by now, it doesn't ship.


***Sunday will be my last day as a public source. If you are interested in becoming a private client from that point on email me to discuss. Ordering format followed and prompt payments will be expected. Making my choice based on volume. I have zero trouble keeping up with demand, however, I'm not raising the minimum order again to attempt to control pack count. Testing and standards will remain in place. I will open and close for new customers based on volume.

I would like to sincerely thank everyone that has contributed to make me a better source for meso. You have all allowed me a great public 6 month stay in your house and i appreciate it. I could not have done this without the orders, advice, thread traffic, etc. You have all helped me. I will always be grateful for that. Thanks again to all of you.
In honor of you being so good to the community thus far, I pulled 585 tonight with a 10 second hold at the top. I’ll post the vid up when I get home. Much love titters.
Hard to say right now. I want to be active on the board. I love meso. But i want out of the spotlight. Because that is smart. And i know i can't sling private and make another handle. I would hope also everyone knows by now i have more integrity than that.
no website, minimal footprint. Email will likely change and i don't think making people order a certain amount is fair (I'm not going to keep track of that shit for one, and 2, it's unrealistic).

Sounds fair. Thank you for supply us with rested gear at a fair price man! Enjoyed pinning! (Except for sust, fuck that shit)
I don't question remaining accountable. But as far as threads go...i guess it is no less exposure and no more exposure than others.
The thread is staying. That’s how we continue to hold him accountable. And when the shit comes up he’s gonna want to address it so he’s staying in the thread. He’s got acne and stopper piece issues to attend to.

Pretty much what I was thinking. Just wanted to hear Tit’s take on it
Hard to say right now. I want to be active on the board. I love meso. But i want out of the spotlight. Because that is smart. And i know i can't sling private and make another handle. I would hope also everyone knows by now i have more integrity than that.

You need a presence here to open and close when clients stop re-upping. You’re busy now but you hit the perfect storm with Pristine competing with you for the majority of the time and then unexpectedly Sasquatching it off into the woods. You doubled your business by default almost overnight with dudes panicking to buy. The dust will settle and you might need new clientele.

You also need somewhere to post the testing and the testing that we will continue to do.
Everything you read on the internet is true man!
I mean I just read, yesterday I think, that @Skorecese loves his ass fingered. So much so that now he’s getting married!

When Tren becomes part of your life, you get your ass fingered and then make her your wife! :p

Facts man! All facts up here on the internet! o_O

Btw, congrats on the proposal @Skorecese :) you boney fuck!! :p

Lmao it’s bren a crazy week for me. Engaged , fingers in my ass, and my first charge in 2 years ! Thank you TGI!

Thank you brudda she’s a good one but from here till the wedding day it’s bachelor party time
So @Skorecese gets engaged, and asserts his dominance on his finance alrdy .l@HIGHRISK is angry....

NO haha never hit a girl in my life. But I was stopped at a red light and was in a pedestrian cross path which is very common in nyc during rush hour and this dude walking tapped my car hard and said get out the way. He has plenty of room so I said put my hands in my car ima put my hands on you. Next thing you know I’m out of my car and slapped the shit out of him and then I’m in handcuffs lol
NO haha never hit a girl in my life. But I was stopped at a red light and was in a pedestrian cross path which is very common in nyc during rush hour and this dude walking tapped my car hard and said get out the way. He has plenty of room so I said put my hands in my car ima put my hands on you. Next thing you know I’m out of my car and slapped the shit out of him and then I’m in handcuffs lol

I feel like a proud father. Reminds me of this one time I recommended tren to @Urgentfury12

This is what it’s all about . Fuck you @balco , fuck you
NO haha never hit a girl in my life. But I was stopped at a red light and was in a pedestrian cross path which is very common in nyc during rush hour and this dude walking tapped my car hard and said get out the way. He has plenty of room so I said put my hands in my car ima put my hands on you. Next thing you know I’m out of my car and slapped the shit out of him and then I’m in handcuffs lol
One of the perks of being in the south is that 9 times out of 10 either both parties agree to just handle their shit and not get anyone involved, or you’re in a place where you can handle your shit and no one has time to do shit before it’s over and you’re gone.
The thread is staying. That’s how we continue to hold him accountable. And when the shit comes up he’s gonna want to address it so he’s staying in the thread. He’s got acne and stopper piece issues to attend to.
Hate to say it, but once he goes private, there won’t be much to hold him accountable except for his own integrity. What are we going to do - run him out of here? Doesn’t work that way.
One of the perks of being in the south is that 9 times out of 10 either both parties agree to just handle their shit and not get anyone involved, or you’re in a place where you can handle your shit and no one has time to do shit before it’s over and you’re gone.

The problem is where I live there are cops everywhere he didn’t call the cops there was a cop across the streeets and saw me lmao. But what’s also good about nyc these will get dropped the second I step into the court room. Acod for 6 months sometimes you’ll get the occasional 10 days at rikers which sucks rikers is the worst place.

Thank god they didn’t find my cialis though
Holy shit! I just realized something.

Big tits has to get his primo in stock and sold out by Sunday!!!!
Worth a shot right? Lol

I'm only joking... I'm always open to giving help where help is needed. I do prefer to post in open forum though so I don't feel like a broken record in PM.. Unless it's specific enough that it wouldn't help others very much to read it.

I wouldn't want anyone cooking their yellow intestines from the inside out... I think uncooked yellow intestines are best. o_O
One of the perks of being in the south is that 9 times out of 10 either both parties agree to just handle their shit and not get anyone involved, or you’re in a place where you can handle your shit and no one has time to do shit before it’s over and you’re gone.

I was at an Aldis and someone was talking shit. Cop told us to take it outside the store.

No shit the guy says he was just trying to act tough in front of his girl, and he was willing to get into his car and leave..... like wtf?