Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

So I can finish the cycle with both the Tren a and Winnie? I did several tren only runs a few years back using finaplix pellets and DMSO. Few if any negative side effects I can remember so I'm assuming I tolerate Tren well HOWEVER, I wasn't using it IM so I don't know exactly how much my body was actually absorbing

Fuck yes, run tren and winny at the same time.

And @BigBaldBeardGuy is correct as usual. You need something to push you through the last little bit. I would recommend moving it to the last 6-8 weeks of your cycle
I buy from amazon a lot. I have to share if you guys don't know about this:
This website called Fakespot analyizes reviews and determines if the reviews are legit or not.
Here is what it said on my latest item.
"Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved."
I buy from amazon a lot. I have to share if you guys don't know about this:
This website called Fakespot analyizes reviews and determines if the reviews are legit or not.
Here is what it said on my latest item.
"Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved."

What does this have to do with your baby?

And of course there is deception involved, you’re a woman :p
Ain't starting a thread, so i'll ask here for a few opinions.
Barbell curls (straight bar) have been fucking with my forearm, just below the wrist, on the outside of the arm.

It's been about 2 weeks since it started. i dropped the weight down 5 lbs lower from the weight that started it all, but it still had a negative impact tonight.

i took a slightly wider grip this time. Less pain, which i only feel during the top part of the movement, but as soon as i set the bar down, that bitch still howled.

Any suggestions?
Found it. He does it at the 17min mark
I do reverse curls with thumbs on top of bar. Works forarms out. if you do it thumbs below the bar, it works bi's out?
I do both. Honestly thumbs on top get a great bi pump. Almost everything I do I thumbs on top.

Thumbs on top with hammer curls work forearms and bis pretty great.
Ain't starting a thread, so i'll ask here for a few opinions.
Barbell curls (straight bar) have been fucking with my forearm, just below the wrist, on the outside of the arm.

It's been about 2 weeks since it started. i dropped the weight down 5 lbs lower from the weight that started it all, but it still had a negative impact tonight.

i took a slightly wider grip this time. Less pain, which i only feel during the top part of the movement, but as soon as i set the bar down, that bitch still howled.

Any suggestions?
When you curl are your wrists curled towards you. If they are try curling the bar with your wrists curled away from your body.
Yes. My offseason looked like this (shameless plug for my daily log):
Weeks 1-4
Test Cyp - 750
Deca - 500 (NPP kick)
Dbol - 25-50mg (cut after week 3 for wrecking my apetite

Weeks 5-8
Test Cyp - 750
Deca - 500

Weeks 9-10
Test Cyp - 750
Deca - 500
Tren - 350

Weeks 11-12
Test Cyp - 750
Deca - 500

Weeks 13-14
Test Cyp - 750
Deca - 500
Inj SDrol - 12.5-20mg

Weeks 15-16
Test Cyp - 750
Deca - 500
Tren - 350

For those curious, this got me from 198 to maxing out at 220 (3iu gH included) with peak cals at 6500 (500/850/120).

Beast of a cycle and diet. Incredible you can put that much food down at your weight. Right on man.