Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Is that what he was trying to sound like ? I thought he was just legit low IQ sub sharan. You know they still haven’t even invented the wheel on there own.
Yeah the Bwatty boy and other slang shit he was using he was trying to come across as Jamaican
Call your insurance, figure out the policy. There might be steps you need before the MRI that you can take before they cover it.

this x1000, there's so much bureaucratic bullshit. For mine, you can't just go get an MRI unless there are xrays done, then the xrays are taken to an ortho and then the ortho orders the MRI. MRI's aren't presumed to be needed so unless certain steps are taken they won't cover them.
I called and they said it didn't matter if the order was from my PC or an orthopedic. Not too sure about the MRI coming after an xray
I get it. I get it. Glad to hear everything has been going well. Still with that (nurse?) You were with? Or was that a 'pink cloud'? Wanted to ask you where you got your gear cases from? I'm using essential oil holders but yours were dope.
No man she recluses from the relationship and it ended fast. I’m with a woman that works at the treatment center with me. Man I got those on amazon. I’ll pm you a link later.
I called and they said it didn't matter if the order was from my PC or an orthopedic. Not too sure about the MRI coming after an xray

I’m sorry let me try and re-phrase it. You need to ask them what steps need to be take to get the MRI covered.

There is no way they have a 0 coverage policy on MRI’s. You need to get someone to actually tell you how to get it.

Example. My family members will only get a mri covered if xrays, cortisone, physical therapy (when possible) then mri
Man I want nothing to do with these racist fools. I haven’t said a word all day yet the HATE IS STRONG up your thread. The banter is pretty lame as usual! SoMe random anti liberal comments, a few black and Mexican jokes,Lol, people praising trump. It’s white power racist that were not around here a few months ago. There new to this thread coming out of the woodwork.
We never had issues here before. Oh and it’s sad to see how many racist sympathizers that are here that are probably just a little racist! :rolleyes: All of you putting your LIKE on there ignorant racist comments makes you just as bad!
You know who you are. With all this being said I will not respond to any replies about this subject from here on out. I still feel the same way about all y’all! Go suck some natzi dick or go get a gay ass tribal Celtic or Viking tattoo to show off how proud you are to be white... how original :rolleyes:
Peace out faggots!!

Are you comments intended to make White Americans feel bad about themselves or make us believe that you aren’t actually just as racist.
I’m sorry let me try and re-phrase it. You need to ask them what steps need to be take to get the MRI covered.

There is no way they have a 0 coverage policy on MRI’s. You need to get someone to actually tell you how to get it.

Example. My family members will only get a mri covered if xrays, cortisone, physical therapy (when possible) then mri
Appreciate it man. I even had HR call and they told her the same they told me. But you never know who you get on the other end of the call that works for insurance. I feel as if a lot of them don't care too much about their job. Lol
Agreed. They’re making me mad., sad, depressed, and want to beat their ass.:mad:
She’s back on the var, look out
You make a good point with the slippery slope argument. But we will never lose our right to bare arms. You simply cannot take firearms from Americans, and the military and law enforcement certaintly won’t have any part in disarming the population as they’re completely for the 2nd amendment. There are an estimated 265 million guns in this country. Good luck taking them. Molon labe.
cops do it daily
She’s back on the var, look out

cops do it daily
Idk how many of y’all live in rural areas/small towns but if it does go down that road us “good ole boys” will be on some real deal red dawn type shit, hell more like modern day the patriot type shit.
Appreciate it man. I even had HR call and they told her the same they told me. But you never know who you get on the other end of the call that works for insurance. I feel as if a lot of them don't care too much about their job. Lol

Yeah man, you are just a number. Keep paying your premium and they don’t care.

Gotta find someone who really knows the ropes and is willing to help you out. I would call 2-3 times and speak to different people every time just in case
Yeah man, you are just a number. Keep paying your premium and they don’t care.

Gotta find someone who really knows the ropes and is willing to help you out. I would call 2-3 times and speak to different people every time just in case
@eje1990 also, not sure if you have any lawyer family/friends but 9 times out of 10 a correspondence as simple as “so and so has reached out to me in regards to his MRI not being covered and I am hoping to receive information as to why this decision was made. Additionally, I would be interested in finding out how people with his policy typically get their MRIs covered” on an official law firm letterhead gets people’s asses in gear very quickly :)