Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Same deal as before? You have west coast I’ve got east?

Everyone in the middle can pray but it’s not going to help them
Maybe they’ll have rifles reaching mid country by then(obv kidding) He can take the appalachians and you can setup in the Rockies. Knock everything out in between.
Good to hear!! Thinking about a quick tren run here shortly!! Still feel like I'm recovering from that test/eq blast though!! Gotta take care of the health!! Dont want to end up on dialysis!!

Yeah man be careful. Not running tren is bad for your health. Next time do test tren eq
Good to hear!! Thinking about a quick tren run here shortly!! Still feel like I'm recovering from that test/eq blast though!! Gotta take care of the health!! Dont want to end up on dialysis!!

My tren ace from titters should be here tomorrow or Saturday, and I’m so stoked to run it again. It’s been 3 years since my last tren blast!
Same deal as before? You have west coast I’ve got east?

Everyone in the middle can pray but it’s not going to help them
My little group I’m training grew by one today. Woman that trains at my gym found out my background and wants me to show her how to really shoot. According to her, her husband is a huge pussy.
What I want to know is why people are talking about me :mad:
Maybe they’ll have rifles reaching mid country by then(obv kidding) He can take the appalachians and you can setup in the Rockies. Knock everything out in between.

Hey man, I’m in Minnesota and I own guns, as do many more Minnesotans! Minneapolis can be leveled with a bomb though. That place is a cesspit.
Working and I’vd been playing basketball outside with my son. Now inside making him dinner. Last two days of the thread was horrible. Glad it’s back to normal. How you doing? Melissa treating you well?
Why was it horrible? I guess you think I’m a Nazi too ?
Working and I’vd been playing basketball outside with my son. Now inside making him dinner. Last two days of the thread was horrible. Glad it’s back to normal. How you doing? Melissa treating you well?

Oh shit what’s for dinner? Melissa is always good. Except now my problem is, the white girl has been good for like a month or so too.....
Hey man, I’m in Minnesota and I own guns, as do many more Minnesotans! Minneapolis can be leveled with a bomb though. That place is a cesspit.
Oh yeah I didn’t mean take out everyone in between, just the ones who need taken out. I know some really good people in some really shitty places lol
Working and I’vd been playing basketball outside with my son. Now inside making him dinner. Last two days of the thread was horrible. Glad it’s back to normal. How you doing? Melissa treating you well?
Mamas boy needs to fend for himself
Good to hear!! Thinking about a quick tren run here shortly!! Still feel like I'm recovering from that test/eq blast though!! Gotta take care of the health!! Dont want to end up on dialysis!!
EQ always does me right, Wish I could stay on cycle.
Always go for the white girl :) Racism is back on the menu boys:p
I was literally like 13 when I heard my friends dad tell his son “it’s all pink on the inside” hahaha. And my father always told me “you can have fun with them and stuff but you can’t date them or marry them” red pilling since before my nuts dropped lmao