Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Appreciate it man. I even had HR call and they told her the same they told me. But you never know who you get on the other end of the call that works for insurance. I feel as if a lot of them don't care too much about their job. Lol
I’ve worked health insurance for 20+ years bro. PM me.
Alright, so I have a question that actually involves gear! I’m just on a gram of test right now but will be dropping that down to about 200mg/wk when I start my tren ace, which as mentioned should be here in the next two days. Tonight is my second pin of test for the week (Monday AM/Thursday PM). Should I pin my usual 500mg of test or drop it down to the 100mg in anticipation of starting tren a in the days coming.

You on prop, e, tpp? I am assuming something with a long ester

I would taper the test down
Damn man why so much test ?
I’d drop it and start the Tren right away. Why are you waiting ?
Not trying to be an ass either, I’m not a fan of such high doses

Well the tren won’t be here for at most two days, and I have a boatload of test so I figured I’d give a gram a whirl. This is the first time going above 600mg/wk. I don’t have any excessive bloating or any side effects from running a gram/week, but I also do believe it’s unnecessary. But as stated, I have a boatload of it and figured why the hell not for a single time. Won’t be using this much again in the future as I believe it’s a waste.
You are the one that has made this thread horrible the last two days to be honest.
You make a post claiming to be all holier than thou and putting down potential hard working parents, I try to remind you lack of care isn’t always the case, and I have the attitude? Lmfao I think you need some more attention. Go pm some more cuck soyboys on the internet to inflate your ego some more.
Alright, so I have a question that actually involves gear! I’m just on a gram of test right now but will be dropping that down to about 200mg/wk when I start my tren ace, which as mentioned should be here in the next two days. Tonight is my second pin of test for the week (Monday AM/Thursday PM). Should I pin my usual 500mg of test or drop it down to the 100mg in anticipation of starting tren a in the days coming.

I would start pinning at 100 in anticipation of starting Tren in the next 3-5 days.
You on prop, e, tpp? I am assuming something with a long ester

I would taper the test down

Titters Test C. And by tapering should do you mean an actual taper as in 300mg for tonight’s pin and then 100mg on Monday when I’ll already have the tren in my system?
Well the tren won’t be here for at most two days, and I have a boatload of test so I figured I’d give a gram a whirl. This is the first time going above 600mg/wk. I don’t have any excessive bloating or any side effects from running a gram/week, but I also do believe it’s unnecessary. But as stated, I have a boatload of it and figured why the hell not for a single time. Won’t be using this much again in the future as I believe it’s a waste.
Just be careful, not thrilled you’re pushing a gram just because.