Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Dinner? Ha
My students, that are 8, say their parents don’t make them food and if they’re hungry they make their own cereal. I’ll never be that parent.
Don’t be so quick to judge the parents (not saying you are), I grew up fending for myself too. Not for lack of love or caring from my parents but they were both always working, both with 2 jobs at several points. We had to grow up quicker than most kids and help them out.
Dinner? Ha
My students, that are 8, say their parents don’t make them food and if they’re hungry they make their own cereal. I’ll never be that parent.

I love cereal in bed. Especially after we have sex. Nothing better than captain crunch
Alright, so I have a question that actually involves gear! I’m just on a gram of test right now but will be dropping that down to about 200mg/wk when I start my tren ace, which as mentioned should be here in the next two days. Tonight is my second pin of test for the week (Monday AM/Thursday PM). Should I pin my usual 500mg of test or drop it down to the 100mg in anticipation of starting tren a in the days coming.
Don’t be so quick to judge the parents (not saying you are), I grew up fending for myself too. Not for lack of love or caring from my parents but they were both always working, both with 2 jobs at several points. We had to grow up quicker than most kids and help them out.
Definitely wasn’t judging the parents, but you really have an attitude.
Alright, so I have a question that actually involves gear! I’m just on a gram of test right now but will be dropping that down to about 200mg/wk when I start my tren ace, which as mentioned should be here in the next two days. Tonight is my second pin of test for the week (Monday AM/Thursday PM). Should I pin my usual 500mg of test or drop it down to the 100mg in anticipation of starting tren a in the days coming.
I hear anecdotally some people like tapering down. No experience though so I’m sure others will chime in.
Don’t be so quick to judge the parents (not saying you are), I grew up fending for myself too. Not for lack of love or caring from my parents but they were both always working, both with 2 jobs at several points. We had to grow up quicker than most kids and help them out.
I too fended for myself and became quite a nice person. You?
Alright, so I have a question that actually involves gear! I’m just on a gram of test right now but will be dropping that down to about 200mg/wk when I start my tren ace, which as mentioned should be here in the next two days. Tonight is my second pin of test for the week (Monday AM/Thursday PM). Should I pin my usual 500mg of test or drop it down to the 100mg in anticipation of starting tren a in the days coming.
Damn man why so much test ?
I’d drop it and start the Tren right away. Why are you waiting ?
Not trying to be an ass either, I’m not a fan of such high doses