Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Idk how many of y’all live in rural areas/small towns but if it does go down that road us “good ole boys” will be on some real deal red dawn type shit, hell more like modern day the patriot type shit.

I miss a couple of pages back when all the bullshit happened.

But I swear to tits, my house will blow up in an explosion that’s never been seen before and throw out over 50,000 rounds of misc bullets in all sorts of directions before they get my guns willingly
Idk how many of y’all live in rural areas/small towns but if it does go down that road us “good ole boys” will be on some real deal red dawn type shit, hell more like modern day the patriot type shit.

As long as you don’t forget about using tomahawks when appropriate!
Idk how many of y’all live in rural areas/small towns but if it does go down that road us “good ole boys” will be on some real deal red dawn type shit, hell more like modern day the patriot type shit.
I’ve said this before, if the shit hits the fan I’m injecting ALL the Tren I have, I’m going to use every bit of knowledge Uncle Sam gave me and go on world wide revenge tour.
I’ve said this before, if the shit hits the fan I’m injecting ALL the Tren I have, I’m going to use every bit of knowledge Uncle Sam gave me and go on world wide revenge tour.

I’d be honored to join you, and I’m kind of hoping shit hits the fan so I can crack the skulls of some left wing extremists who think they’re hardcore “nazi killers,” yet are against the 2nd amendment.
I’d be honored to join you, and I’m kind of hoping shit hits the fan so I can crack the skulls of some left wing extremists who think they’re hardcore “nazi killers,” yet are against the 2nd amendment.
I’ve had this convo with the dumbasses themselves in a certain grad school environment. The fuckers (probably 90% of them) have literally never seen or heard a gun be fired, nor have they thrown or seen a punch thrown outside of social media. You would literally need 20+ of those little 100pound shitheads to take on one halfway decently sized and knowledgeable man
Are you comments intended to make White Americans feel bad about themselves or make us believe that you aren’t actually just as racist.
As he is degrading gays and calling people racists. Bet he lives in his moms basement.
Yea man everything was fine, Tren was harsh on me. Thanks for asking.
Good to hear!! Thinking about a quick tren run here shortly!! Still feel like I'm recovering from that test/eq blast though!! Gotta take care of the health!! Dont want to end up on dialysis!!