Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

I thought it was fairly easy to get handguns in Detroit. My city it’s hard to get a rifle and even if you do you have to register it
Sorry, I meant legally. And I just used other city names to avoid saying my own, I just assumed they were similar there given the crime rates.

Here, if you get caught with an unregistered handgun or without a concealed permit they will put your ass under the fucking prison. I’m only here temporarily though, got two more years to go before I’m out the shithole.

And you can’t even apply for a permit to carry unless you have been assaulted/attacked in the past 6 months, with arrest reports to corroborate your “fear for your safety”
I thought it was fairly easy to get handguns in Detroit. My city it’s hard to get a rifle and even if you do you have to register it

Non of my ar’s or ak’s even have stamping on them. I went 80% lowers a while back.
Sorry, I meant legally. And I just used other city names to avoid saying my own, I just assumed they were similar there given the crime rates.

Here, if you get caught with an unregistered handgun or without a concealed permit they will put your ass under the fucking prison. I’m only here temporarily though, got two more years to go before I’m out the shithole.

You in Chicago or some shit hole?
I thought it was fairly easy to get handguns in Detroit. My city it’s hard to get a rifle and even if you do you have to register it
Pass NICs check, pay for gun and walk out with said gun. You may think you aren’t allowed too but that’s what they want you to think.
You in Chicago or some shit hole?
Bout the same damn thing. I’d argue worse lmao, but I haven’t actually looked into any of the statistics. I just go straight to where I am needed and right back to my apartment. Keep my head up and on a swivel at all times.
.357 idk the finish not worth it fkr me I have wear to enjoy it lol

I have a .22 beretta a .380 Jennings right now at my place but a few others somewhere else

They both 357? Can you still nab them? PM me some details lol
Sorry, I meant legally. And I just used other city names to avoid saying my own, I just assumed they were similar there given the crime rates.

Here, if you get caught with an unregistered handgun or without a concealed permit they will put your ass under the fucking prison. I’m only here temporarily though, got two more years to go before I’m out the shithole.

And you can’t even apply for a permit to carry unless you have been assaulted/attacked in the past 6 months, with arrest reports to corroborate your “fear for your safety”

Or you have proof that you’re constantly moving over a certain amount of money a month. If they raided the projects by me they’d find a whole arsenal of shit there. Friend of mine they tried to rob him they stabbed in his eyes he pulled out his unregistered gun shot one killed him didn’t get charged for that but got charged for an illegal gun did 5 years and lost his eye
Or you have proof that you’re constantly moving over a certain amount of money a month. If they raided the projects by me they’d find a whole arsenal of shit there. Friend of mine they tried to rob him they stabbed in his eyes he pulled out his unregistered gun shot one killed him didn’t get charged for that but got charged for an illegal gun did 5 years and lost his eye
yeah it's fucking ridiculous man. You'd think after 3-5 decades of this shit they'd realize that "gun laws" aren't the answer.

I think another exception is you can have one in your vehicle on your way to and from work here.

