Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

The good thing about learning something new and being wrong is that from that point on (if youre not an idiot), you now know that much more :)
If you lived near me I’d teach you for free. I’ve tought a few people that I know from the gym all I ask for in return is that they actually carry.
My tren ace from titters should be here tomorrow or Saturday, and I’m so stoked to run it again. It’s been 3 years since my last tren blast!
It's been a few years for me as well!! Last time was when I was brewing my own from the finaplix tabs!! Making 50ml jugs and did that stuff non stop it seems like for a year! Was trying to get with the mother in law and all kinds of crazy shit!! Will TRY to be more responsible since I've aged!! Lol!!
Dinner? Ha
My students, that are 8, say their parents don’t make them food and if they’re hungry they make their own cereal. I’ll never be that parent.
That's sad. A family needs to sit down and eat together. I don't go for that grab-and-go shit. They also aren't allowed to peave the table just because they're done eating. We sit together we leave together.

The world was a better place when men still wore hats.
It gives a nice little sting, at least for me. It’s kind of a rush.

Just a heads up from the research I did in the past, and correct me if I’m wrong... but the highest concentration of magnesium in your muscles is in your quadriceps, so that’s apparently the best place to apply the mag oil.
I’ve used mag chloride oil extensively in the past, but a different brand. I’m assuming the brand you have also stings your skin for a bit after it’s applied?
I didn’t feel it. I used what everyone has been talking about. Tbag told me to get magnesium oil by Essenzia.
Just a heads up from the research I did in the past, and correct me if I’m wrong... but the highest concentration of magnesium in your muscles is in your quadriceps, so that’s apparently the best place to apply the mag oil.
That’s where I always shoot mainly. It started drying out my forearms and made me itch, so I hit my quads and ankles now.
That’s where I always shoot mainly. It started drying out my forearms and made me itch, so I hit my quads and ankles now.

Yeah Epsom salt baths will also dry your skin out. Plus the mag oil leaves that white residue on your skin from the chloride bond.
If you lived near me I’d teach you for free. I’ve tought a few people that I know from the gym all I ask for in return is that they actually carry.
Yeah I have my concealed permit in my home state. Just know enough to defend myself and hunt, nothing more than that though. Also, my database of knowledge on guns is pretty much limited to maybe 20 gun types, family home has a few hundred total of 15-20 different types.
Yeah man be careful. Not running tren is bad for your health. Next time do test tren eq
Gotta give that eq a break!! That was a shit ton of oil in those 20 weeks!! Always some test but gonna switch esters, tren, and ? Plus some anavar!! TGI will be in touch tomorrow or Saturday!!
I was actually sad too, got a new 1911 for Christmas but didn't get a chance to actually daily carry with it yet. @Urgentfury12 A bit heavy/bulky for efficient daily carry but it sure is fun (from what my dad tells me). Can't wait to visit again lol
I carried a 1911 for a little bit. Hated it lol
My dad is a big fucking boy and rides a bike so I guess he doesn't have to worry about it getting in the way when hes getting in and out of trucks and shit which is where I could see it being the biggest annoyance.