Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

I’m not sure what the others think but I would say start sending out your samples now. Even before you get the results back. Whoever receives it will know that it’s an untested sample but this isn’t about perfect potency anyway. It’s about pip reports for you to adjust your batch if you need to. Doing it this way will speed up your release by a few weeks. Then when the test results come back you will know if your dosage was correct. And odds are in favor that the primo raws will be of good quality since the rest of your raws have been testing well
Interesting idea. I have sent raws out for testing but not finished oil. I can send some oil to the tester and then send out samples asap while we wait on results from the lab.
I read all the posts here. There is a shit load of posts ahead of this that I have to read and probably won’t comment much on any of them but I’ve seen what you have posted lately and I’d like to offer something. Six years ago on my birthday is when I was asked to move out from my home my wife my three kids and my dog. It was not mutual and not my choice. No cheating drugs or abuse. Just a failed marriage. I won’t bother you with the details. One of the hardest if not the hardest day of my life. After the first few days I started getting back into fitness. It only lasted about a month or two and then I fell into a slump. Work eat shower sleep. Almost a year went by and one day I was doing my dishes and all of a sudden I was like what the fuck am I doing. Fuck this shit I’m going out. I went back to the gym and started dating. About another year later I met the girl that’s my avi. I’ve posted pics. She’s pretty fucking hot and loves me like no other has ever done. Fast forward 4 years. New home in a nice area. 2018 ram 1500. Somewhat comfortable financially. As happy as a person like me can be. myself and others on here have lost a hell of a lot more than a fiancé. I don’t mean that as harsh as it sounds because no matter what a loss is a loss and that shit hurts. My point is it’s not over. It’s just a bump in the road. Take your time. Do you. It will all come together again and you’ll be happy that it did.
That's basically my life story there. Except I eventually weeded out the hit and quits, and found a woman who genuinely loves me for the bipolar sumbitch pile of monkey nuts that I am. So I married and we are truly happy. Plus, she spends more time in the gym than I do. So as the kids say, #winning.
I’m not sure what the others think but I would say start sending out your samples now. Even before you get the results back. Whoever receives it will know that it’s an untested sample but this isn’t about perfect potency anyway. It’s about pip reports for you to adjust your batch if you need to. Doing it this way will speed up your release by a few weeks. Then when the test results come back you will know if your dosage was correct. And odds are in favor that the primo raws will be of good quality since the rest of your raws have been testing well

Efficient thinking. I get it. But it’s like telling him to cut corners?

Nah. If it’s worth doing then it’s worth doing the right way. ALL his batches are made from tested raws now. Let’s not take give permission to take a step backwards.

What if he has to modify the recipe based on the raw testing results? Then the PIP samples are meaningless.

We’ve pushed him and he’s responded really well and that combination has resulted in his success. Let’s not forget that magic formula.
Efficient thinking. I get it. But it’s like telling him to cut corners?

Nah. If it’s worth doing then it’s worth doing the right way. ALL his batches are made from tested raws now. Let’s not take give permission to take a step backwards.

What if he has to modify the recipe based on the raw testing results? Then the PIP samples are meaningless.

We’ve pushed him and he’s responded really well and that combination has resulted in his success. Let’s not forget that magic formula.
You both have good points. I guess it can wait. Meantime, whatever it is i have at 200mg i am going to continue pinning it daily for pip studies.
Efficient thinking. I get it. But it’s like telling him to cut corners?

Nah. If it’s worth doing then it’s worth doing the right way. ALL his batches are made from tested raws now. Let’s not take give permission to take a step backwards.

What if he has to modify the recipe based on the raw testing results? Then the PIP samples are meaningless.

We’ve pushed him and he’s responded really well and that combination has resulted in his success. Let’s not forget that magic formula.

The only reason I suggested this was because most raws today test on the average of 98% pure or a little better. Even if they tested as low as 96% the adjustment for potency would be minuscule and shouldn’t affect the pip of the final batch enough to be noticed. And besides. The full release won’t be until after the test results are back anyway.

And for the record I’m not trying to order Tit’s primo. I’m not even in the cool kid’s club. I just get to hang here outside the clubhouse
I always enjoyed break ups because it usually wasn’t good anyways. However, I always had a hard time knowing she was getting plowed by another dude. That’s what always got me. I never really missed the time, conversation, or anything in a relationship. Guess I may have not found the right one.
I drink a WHITE monster at lunch and I’m shaking like a Meth addict. How the hell can you drink two of those a day ?

Love em... Zero Ultra, drink 4-5 a day. I buy them by the case. It’s killing my budget... I think about all the extra creatine I could buy. :(
The only reason I suggested this was because most raws today test on the average of 98% pure or a little better. Even if they tested as low as 96% the adjustment for potency would be minuscule and shouldn’t affect the pip of the final batch enough to be noticed. And besides. The full release won’t be until after the test results are back anyway.

And for the record I’m not trying to order Tit’s primo. I’m not even in the cool kid’s club. I just get to hang here outside the clubhouse
I'm not insulted you didn't sign up...but i do cry at night about it.
Testing helps everyone I believe.
I just don’t know about pip reports. I can have pip from one pin and then none on my next one from the same bottle. It just varies. I don’t see how pinning one shot can determine it. I’d rather do best out of five. Lol

Maybe after testing comes back you offer however much someone is wanting to order but the stipulation being they’re going to start running it now and a pip report is apart of being allowed to order. Let say, 5 people order it and run it a full week then report back on pip. Then release it to the mass afterwards. I’m sure there are some ready to start a primo cycle ASAP.

Either way,
I like that before you decide what to do you always ask the community! That’s huge in my eyes!
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