Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Yeah that was quick!!

Hey now, no reason I can’t start talking to people! There’s no chance of us getting back together as she’s leaving the country, and I’d rather not be lonely if I can avoid it. Doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about my ex, I haven’t.
I see she has the Minnesota tan going on. Nothing summer won’t fix. Very Nice!

Haha, I’m a classic Minnesota mixed breed of Scandinavian and Polish descent! I have the fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes of the Scandinavians, and the only way I can get a deep bronze is with melanotan-2. So I use that every summer.
Hey now, no reason I can’t start talking to people! There’s no chance of us getting back together as she’s leaving the country, and I’d rather not be lonely if I can avoid it. Doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about my ex, I haven’t.
Kidding with you! You should start talking! Especially with that ass!
Kidding with you! You should start talking! Especially with that ass!

With her ass or my ass? I have a very good ass too, as my glutes grow like wildfire because genetics! I have picture proof that is safe for work to prove it.

This girl and I can be the great ass crew!
Most of the time. Lol. Going in for the MRI at 2:15 hopefully something good comes out of this situation. Like no surgery. Lol

Surgery blows, brother! I had an anterior labral repair in my right shoulder 6 years ago and it was brutal to recover from.

I’ll cross my fingers for you that everything ends up alright with your MRI.
So you’re g2g with insurance covering the MRI?
... No :( but it's gotta be done. Saw my primary after the orthopedic just to see what he says because he specializes in sports injury/medicine as well and he did a few physical push/pull tests and said pretty much the same thing. That he can feel the tendon the same way.

I would rather get the MRI and not need surgery than be irresponsible and not get the MRI and need surgery.

My PC said he is going back to Duke next year for more school for the primary purpose that they have a new way to scan like an MRI but it will be billed different for insurance so this kind of shit doesn't happen to more people.

But it is what it is. Gotta get healthy.
Most of the time. Lol. Going in for the MRI at 2:15 hopefully something good comes out of this situation. Like no surgery. Lol
Good luck buddy. I don’t think surgery is going to be the outcome but either way you’ll be ok. On the bright side you have all the idiots here pulling for you and when you’re down just pop in for laugh.