Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

... No :( but it's gotta be done. Saw my primary after the orthopedic just to see what he says because he specializes in sports injury/medicine as well and he did a few physical push/pull tests and said pretty much the same thing. That he can feel the tendon the same way.

I would rather get the MRI and not need surgery than be irresponsible and not get the MRI and need surgery.

My PC said he is going back to Duke next year for more school for the primary purpose that they have a new way to scan like an MRI but it will be billed different for insurance so this kind of shit doesn't happen to more people.

But it is what it is. Gotta get healthy.
PM me bro. I’m sure you have a denial letter from the insurance right? Black everything out and Let me see what it says, if you want.
I SOOO want these gains. You did a 20 week if I recall?

I am 5 weeks into a 20 week EQ run. Way less test though. I plan to up it once I finish my Tren kick start (trying something new).

Started at 221 and I’m at 225 now. Abs are disappearing a little because I am eating like a pregnant woman.

I have had a lot of those youngins at the gym trying to befriend me lately. I wonder why?
Next short blast I'm gonna try this low test concept! Lol! Yes it was 20 weeks actually with TGI overfilling his bottles I have kinda stretched it out. Dropped my test the last two weeks to kinda take a break but honestly looking even better! What is your test dosage and how much eq you running? Now these dudes at the gym! Lol. Sitting there on their phones and flexing as much as they can is when the hoodie comes off!! Lol!! I'm not usually like that but when it's time to put em in their place gotta get it done!!
Next short blast I'm gonna try this low test concept! Lol! Yes it was 20 weeks actually with TGI overfilling his bottles I have kinda stretched it out. Dropped my test the last two weeks to kinda take a break but honestly looking even better! What is your test dosage and how much eq you running? Now these dudes at the gym! Lol. Sitting there on their phones and flexing as much as they can is when the hoodie comes off!! Lol!! I'm not usually like that but when it's time to put em in their place gotta get it done!!

Between dropping my test down to 240mg/wk on Thursday, and adding Winny and tren a in yesterday, I’m holding way less water and I look way fucking better because of it! Once my test levels drop down to a stable 240mg/wk and the tren and Winny peak it’s going to be like night and day!
Next short blast I'm gonna try this low test concept! Lol! Yes it was 20 weeks actually with TGI overfilling his bottles I have kinda stretched it out. Dropped my test the last two weeks to kinda take a break but honestly looking even better! What is your test dosage and how much eq you running? Now these dudes at the gym! Lol. Sitting there on their phones and flexing as much as they can is when the hoodie comes off!! Lol!! I'm not usually like that but when it's time to put em in their place gotta get it done!!

I’m running 350 TrenA kickstart, 450 EQ & 250 Test.

Plan to bump EQ to 600 around week 10 and bump test when I am done with Tren.

You had some great gains. I hope I can do the same. I am always lean, but looking for some more lean mass. This is actually my first long cycle in 3 or 4 years. I have been running 8 week blasts. I am very strict on my cruise and honestly work harder on the cruise than the blast. I have been very successful at keeping a high percentage of my gains doing this. Slow and steady, but I need to break through a plateau.
What's good you assorted collection of deviants, weirdos and pirates (both butt and regular scallywag types)?
Just checking in. On the upside of life, I had~$9 left in BTC wallet when I last ordered 2 weeks ago and today it's at ~$13 so obviously BTC is doing well.

The only negative is that whoever it is in here who's always shamelessly plugging the white monster, I'm now addicted.