Grab Bag
Well-known Member
Nice job pretending like your faked test results aren’t worth addressing.Look at you gentlemen, I have you all fired up with a single posting. That's not good. You have to question why. You'll never find me upset or even slightly fired up. After all, it's just a keyboard and monitor. If you want to have an informative and productive conversation then let's do it! I'm all for it, your approach is horrific and there are far too many logical fallacy's to even comment on. If your argument starts with something that isn't true or that can't be proven then it's merely an opinion and worthless to your own community that you say you are so dearly protecting. Again, with the circular firing squad. I mean if you're going to say something then make it productive or else it's just sound (words on a monitor). There are some that make very good points and I try to recognize that but 90% of this entire thread is people poking the proverbial guy next to him with his elbow and sticking his chest out to show what a tough guy he is for smashing that mean ole new source. It's truly inspirational and helpful to those trying to do harm reduction. you are bleaching out the voice of those that want to know and those that want to ask anything but superfluous questions. Instead, you'd rather attack my expanded vocabulary? Classy.
Have a great day, Good night.
The level of cope here is incredible. You’re the king of cringe.