That was me. Nothing to report other than it was pip-free, which I mentioned several (thousand, seemingly) pages back. No feelz or bonerz reports with that particular hormone.
As an aside, since everyone is in a sharing mood, I’ll say to
@TripleBSolutions what I would say to every other source: stop making capsules and just make oral solutions. They’re impossible to screw up as far as dose is concerned and your customers can take exactly how much they want. They get to decide, not you. Solves a shitload of problems and is more user friendly. I have zero interest in 25mg dbol. If I use it it’s in small doses. So I’ll buy a solution at 50mg/ml, use that as the parent compound, and then make individual bottles of a diluted solution for myself. You will save time (read: money) and it’ll be perfectly acceptable to 99% of your customers.