Triple B Solutions

I did pin another shot of Trips primo and I have to admit it's the smoothest I've ever pinned. Hard to believe it's 200mg concentration. I have some pharmacon 200mg primo that has some bite. Also, alphapharm and Sigma primo 100mg concentration and all have more pip. Not trying to be a source dick rider here but if Janos tested gear is the same I received I'm pretty impressed. Labels also look more professional. I'll comment on results in a few months.
Ok source dick rider :rolleyes:
Your assumptions are incorrect you ignorant faggot.
I’ll be the total square and politely ask you to leave that term back in the mid-90’s where it belongs. You know we have members here who are gay, right? This place judges a man based on the content of their character, not who they sleep with. As a guy who has several gay friends I wouldn’t be cool hearing someone say that shit in front of them, so I’ll nicely ask you to think about your words and how they may affect a member here before you use them. You’re free to ignore my request, of course. But I think you’re man enough to come up with a more clever insult than that.
I’ll be the total square and politely ask you to leave that term back in the mid-90’s where it belongs. You know we have members here who are gay, right? This place judges a man based on the content of their character, not who they sleep with. As a guy who has several gay friends I wouldn’t be cool hearing someone say that shit in front of them, so I’ll nicely ask you to think about your words and how they may affect a member here before you use them. You’re free to ignore my request, of course. But I think you’re man enough to come up with a more clever insult than that.
Its ok man, I am a faggot so I can call someone else a faggot. You know like how it is ok for black guys to call other black guys nigger or its ok for a woman to call another woman bitch.........
but I do apologize as I don't mean to offend anyone here in this thread except @CJ Taylor, fuck @CJ Taylor
Its ok man, I am a faggot so I can call someone else a faggot. You know like how it is ok for black guys to call other black guys nigger or its ok for a woman to call another woman bitch.........
but I do apologize as I don't mean to offend anyone here in this thread except @CJ Taylor, fuck @CJ Taylor
This explains so much. No wonder your here trying to prove something. You're a faggot.
Its ok man, I am a faggot so I can call someone else a faggot. You know like how it is ok for black guys to call other black guys nigger or its ok for a woman to call another woman bitch.........
but I do apologize as I don't mean to offend anyone here in this thread except @CJ Taylor, fuck @CJ Taylor
Youre an embarrassment to the gay community if you ask me. I have a couple gay friends and they don't act this way.
I hope your kidding. I wasn’t attacking you!
was 100% joking it was a dig at CJ Taylor and his obsession with liberal devil people. But I was 100% serious it just adds to his thread. Newbies aren't reading shit they're just gonna be like

"Whoa Triple B solutions 6,000 posts on Meso this guy has to be the tits!"

no one is clicking back 200 pages to see the whole story.
It’s how all threads go once the UGL starts doing the right thing....

Until there’s a serious problem, then we start getting all pitch-forky while we light torches. Hopefully that won’t be for a few more months. Seems like end of summer/early fall is a popular time for sources to crash and burn though.

My guess is Trips gets cornered in his driveway with a subway sandwich in his hand that the cops mistake for a gun and light him up like in Goodfellas i think?


He's found David Carradine in his closet with 1000ml of Primo filtered waiting to be bottled but sadly it never is.
Weren’t you the same guy who complained about not getting a response in 16 hours from Trip? Lol. You need a Xanax bro.
:p hahah, Man today is raining as well, may lord jesus have mercy on us.

Im just saying bro. Calm down. I need all kinds of shits bro
:p hahah, Man today is raining as well, may lord jesus have mercy on us.

Im just saying bro. Calm down. I need all kinds of shits bro
I made sure your package was dropped off. There does not seem to be much consistency with USPS right now. Some packs are landing in 3 days while some are not updating and taking a week.

@TripleBSolutions you're handing out tracking numbers again?
I gave Trl01 a tracking number since I was a little late sending his package and I believe he is rather anxious about this.