Triple B Solutions

Keep a training log. A small notepad with a pencil works fine. When you lift jot down the date bodyparts worked and note how you feel at the time, jot down all sets and a quick note IE was the weight enough or not did anything cause pain are the exercises working should you change something?

All important data and trust me once you leave the gym its all quickly erased from your mind. You set goals, you go to the gym and realize those goals and now you are ready for new ones. Thats how you consistently make progress in bodybuilding. Pride stopped me from doing that until just a year ago and i kick myself every day for my stupidity.
This is great advice right here.A logbook is imperative so you can track your progress.Heck i still have mine dating from 2005.Solid post bro.
You seem to have a decent amount of experience with primo so out of curiosity what exactly does it offer your cycles and how effective is it mg per mg compared to other filler steroids? I.e. deca eq masteron tren. I consider test a base steroid so i do not compare it to anything else from my test base I add a filler steroid and possibly an oral if that helps you at all. Also have you tried high doses like 1g per week? Primo + drol or primo + dbol primo+ var maybe? Primo + tren? Primo and tbol? PRIMO TREN AND VAR I NEED ANSWERS please. At 200mgs im super tempted to try it.
I only have about two years experience with primo. Before I always thought it was a waste of money but now since I'm 40 the side effect profile is ideal.. on paper. When I started running primo it was 100mg a week along with my self prescribed trt dose of140mg test cyp..which keeps my test just above 900 at that dose. Before I had used masteron. Mostly bc I feel it protects me from gyno and it keeps me pretty vascular. I couldn't tell a difference between the two at that low a dose. I've cycled with 400mg primo, trt test dose, and eq at 300mg/a week. Not a big cycle but I try to keep it under a gram of juice a week now. Also, first 3 weeks 40mg a day var. Put on about 8-10 lbs of lean mass. I wasn't getting enough protein during this cycle.

Last week started 900mg primo a week, 140mg test cyp, and throwing in 180mg mast e just for the hell of it. I'm experimenting hoping my numbers all stay within reason. First time doing a primo cycle like this. I'm going to run this for 16 weeks if I can. I've always preferred DHT steroids over everything else.

I can't handle norandrolones.. I like to run EQ and masteron with a var or tbol kickstart and test under 200mg. I'm done running test any higher.

Sorry I wasn't a help man. I'm kind of a primo newbie myself. I'm sure some of the guys ill tell you 900mg of primo a week is a waste. Time will tell
:cool: bro calm down, im joking you gotta stop taking everything serious man.
This is your 2nd post saying the same dumb shit, you sounding retarded at this point
He gave you good advice. Your attitude sucks. Sources are under no obligations to do business with anyone and they all read all the threads you can be sure. Read between the lines and chill.
I only have about two years experience with primo. Before I always thought it was a waste of money but now since I'm 40 the side effect profile is ideal.. on paper. When I started running primo it was 100mg a week along with my self prescribed trt dose of140mg test cyp..which keeps my test just above 900 at that dose. Before I had used masteron. Mostly bc I feel it protects me from gyno and it keeps me pretty vascular. I couldn't tell a difference between the two at that low a dose. I've cycled with 400mg primo, trt test dose, and eq at 300mg/a week. Not a big cycle but I try to keep it under a gram of juice a week now. Also, first 3 weeks 40mg a day var. Put on about 8-10 lbs of lean mass. I wasn't getting enough protein during this cycle.

Last week started 900mg primo a week, 140mg test cyp, and throwing in 180mg mast e just for the hell of it. I'm experimenting hoping my numbers all stay within reason. First time doing a primo cycle like this. I'm going to run this for 16 weeks if I can. I've always preferred DHT steroids over everything else.

I can't handle norandrolones.. I like to run EQ and masteron with a var or tbol kickstart and test under 200mg. I'm done running test any higher.

Sorry I wasn't a help man. I'm kind of a primo newbie myself. I'm sure some of the guys ill tell you 900mg of primo a week is a waste. Time will tell
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Keep us up to date I genuinely would like to see how this goes for you.
Anybody heard from Trip? His last post was friday night. Im not bitching that he hasnt responded to my email....its just odd that he hasnt responded yet. He usually replies within 10 mins