Triple B Solutions

Anybody heard from Trip? His last post was friday night. Im not bitching that he hasnt responded to my email....its just odd that he hasnt responded yet. He usually replies within 10 mins

He logged in here two hours ago. Send your email again if it’s an order.

If you’re emailing asking when your pack will ship (like some whiny bitches do, right @trl01) then save it. Get Informed Delivery instead. Or wait a week and then bug him.
Got my pack 5 days after placeing the order gonna take trips proviron 50mg/day and most likely his npp 300mg/week(didnt order yet) with test e at a steady 500mg/week just gonna finish my dmz first lol
He logged in here two hours ago. Send your email again if it’s an order.

If you’re emailing asking when your pack will ship (like some whiny bitches do, right @trl01) then save it. Get Informed Delivery instead. Or wait a week and then bug him.

People want that Amazon Prime service with a tracking # within 7 hours after they send payment it turns into customer is always right mode.

anyone seem trips? I sent an email 6 minutes ago not like him.....
He logged in here two hours ago. Send your email again if it’s an order.

If you’re emailing asking when your pack will ship (like some whiny bitches do, right @trl01) then save it. Get Informed Delivery instead. Or wait a week and then bug him.
I dont have informed delivery nor do i check. Ive waited on packs that took 36 days from over the ocean. Also i dont wanna send an order to LE worst case scenario. Still no reply....very odd for triple nipples.
Ya a friend of mine online used to rave about zambons fukkenshredded was his name. Said they werr the only human grade winstrol and it was way more effective than other winnys partly because it was micronized. I was foolish and sold them i never actually tried it. Back then they were easy to get so i saw no reason to rush. Now they arent around and im still kicking myself.

True story my fried that bought them he shows up to my apartment and soon as he has them he pulls a fucking used 23g out of his shorts pocket pours two of them into the barrel THEN asks me if its cool to pin at my spot i say sure go ahead so he jabs the top of his quad straight through his shorts doesnt aspirate or anything just jams that shit into his leg says thanks throws me some x for the weekend and runs out the door. Crazy times I miss them dearly...
Got that beat. Had 2 huge dudes working for me ( they were concrete laborers) and after a 12 hour day ( and I'm sure at times, during the day) slam Nubain straight into their veins. And these guys were covered in sweat, dirt, form oil, and concrete dust. And the kicker was the second guy using same syringe as the first guy. SMH!!!
On another note guys, I'm about to start his tren e, mast e, and I started his test e like 2 weeks ago after I had that dreaded blood test. I'll probably throw in anavar or sdrol towards the end. We will see how it goes and how the blood work looks after about 6ish weeks in
Throw in the var pre blood work to make sure that free test jumps up.

More verification for us that were getting the same batch as the tested batch!!!
You must be a liberal Democrat. I can tell, I have a gift.

Comparing how hard it was to get gear 20-30 years ago to a crybaby dip shit that can't wait 12 hours for a response from a source shows what bitches this generation of "men" have become. That was the point. Crying over every single thing. Sure a source needs to be vetted. But this shit isn't vetting.
Perhaps "wetting" instead of vetting.
Working my way through emails. I will make sure everyone gets a response. Transitioning away from sending tracking has made a lot of people nervous but your packs are going out in a timely manner. Most people are still reporting under 5 day T/As but USPS is all over the place right now.
Oh just wait. Soon you'll be seeing one post after another asking why you didn't respond in an hour or why its been two days and no TD. Even after stating multiple times if there's an issue you'll take care of it. Gets old fast and I can see why some sources eventually end up going private.
Oh just wait. Soon you'll be seeing one post after another asking why you didn't respond in an hour or why its been two days and no TD. Even after stating multiple times if there's an issue you'll take care of it. Gets old fast and I can see why some sources eventually end up going private.
Already at that point in my inbox. I think moving from tracking to no tracking mixed with the interesting way USPS has been handling packages lately has customers worried.
Already at that point in my inbox. I think moving from tracking to no tracking mixed with the interesting way USPS has been handling packages lately has customers worried.
I say stick to your plan and customers just need to be patient. Your consistency and reputation will preceed itself in instilling confidence. What I don't get is that anyone that's ordered anything online in the past year knows damn well that packages can take longer than usual. SMH.
Already at that point in my inbox. I think moving from tracking to no tracking mixed with the interesting way USPS has been handling packages lately has customers worried.
As we discussed in private you know it's the right move. Your customers will learn to relax after their first order I'm sure and if not just have a copy paste explaining why it's good for you AND them why you don't hand them out unless there is serious delays. Even then you should check if securely not hand it out to them imo.
Providing tracking is a potential security risk and it’s just plain unnecessary. Whether you can see on your computer screen that your package is two days away or not, it’s still two days away. People need to settle the fuck down.

If people are so ADD that they can’t wait a few days and need to know exactly where their package is at any particular second, they can sign up for informed delivery on their own time.

God damn youngins and their “not now, RIGHT NOW” attitude, I swear.
Providing tracking is a potential security risk and it’s just plain unnecessary. Whether you can see on your computer screen that your package is two days away or not, it’s still two days away. People need to settle the fuck down.

If people are so ADD that they can’t wait a few days and need to know exactly where their package is at any particular second, they can sign up for informed delivery on their own time.

God damn youngins and their “not now, RIGHT NOW” attitude, I swear.

i know there's a myriad of reasons why some guy's want tracking, but i can't help but think that many of them want it so they can beat their Mom/wife to the mailbox because they'll be questioned about what they received.