Triple B Solutions

Trips does not really need to produce evidence of anything, if he knows and he is certain the product was shipped his best move is to stop doing business with (and responding to) whatever customer. This is a sources best move assuming he is right.

Obviously trip is within his right to stop doing business with anyone he chooses, but if you've been following this thread from the beginning you should realize that trip has argued for pages and pages that he was "certain" of many things.. such as his brew was accurate.. or his raws were pure..

It was not until a third party was involved that he was proven wrong, and perhaps not as "certain" as he thought..

No one is perfect and mistakes can happen..
Thank you, I started getting back in to anabolics 6 months ago an my test e started swelling me up out of nowhere, im guessing I transitioned batches and its the pip test e ppl complained about. I was late to the party. I was asking cause I pinned yesterday and the pip felt like it was getting gnarly and was going to be a problem but 20 hours post injection no swelling. I'm happy so far.
Mistakes do happen. I had a mistake with a pack from Trip as I had mentioned a ways back when I spoke of ordering and after a couple emails back and forth he went a bit above and beyond to take care of the problem. That’s just my experience with it. Hopefully there has been or will be some resolve for this issue as well.
I wasn't exactly defending TripleB, it's just as unfair for the source as it is for the buyer who feels they are getting screwed over if there is zero evidence from either party. Yes TripleB should've taken pictures from the start , but mistakes happen and we truly don't have valid evidence to take a dump on his thread. Other then he said she said as someone mentioned earlier. Dude is a fucken "shill" as you guys call them, he posted another comment praising "hunter" 15 hours ago open your eyes my bros. He has praised that hunter Mofo about 3 times with 15 days in between since making their account on SST and even yesterday when they should've likely been in distress?Screenshot_20210414-095113.png
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I wasn't exactly defending TripleB, it's just as unfair for the source as it is for the buyer who feels they are getting screwed over if there is zero evidence from either party. Yes TripleB should've taken pictures from the start , but mistakes happen and we truly don't have valid evidence to take a dump on his thread. Other then he said she said as someone mentioned earlier. Dude is a fucken "shill" as you guys call them, he posted another comment praising "hunter" 15 hours ago open your eyes my bros. He has praised that hunter Mofo about 3 times with 15 days in between since making their account on SST and even yesterday when they should've likely been in distress?View attachment 145474

Why should any of us care about what’s done in SST though???
The only ones that care about SST are the little guys like you that recently trickled over to follow Trips. You can do a search for "SST" here, there's plenty of other guys saying SST sucks, not just Mr. Knowitall.
Keep up the fight...props! This place has become filled with dick riders and dumb asses. It's a real shame. As for this source LOL just another bathtub brewer. GL;)
Why should any of us care about what’s done in SST though???
We are judging a mans character here BBBG. We shouldnt disregard ones actions just because it was done in a place that has no credit on meso. I know 1 million % if Trip started ripping people off on SST but stayed loyal to MESO....we would judge his "SST character" on MESO. Am i right? I have no dog in this fight. I dont know who is right or wrong. Im just saying your copy/pasted comment above doesnt make sense and is definitely leaning hard to one side.
Keep up the fight...props! This place has become filled with dick riders and dumb asses. It's a real shame. As for this source LOL just another bathtub brewer. GL
The only one dick riding is you and every other person who doesn't look at the valid points mentioned by a member with less reputation just because a well known member can't properly analyze a situation and refuses to be at a neutral standing point, open your eyes like I said earlier lol. *if you say screw being neutral then atleast don't be one sided as fuck. Don't think you're some big shot who is actually smart just because you've been around for a while,laughing at me for being a 2 week old member doesn't mean shit you could know everything about steroids and still be a fool.
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We are judging a mans character here BBBG. We shouldnt disregard ones actions just because it was done in a place that has no credit on meso. I know 1 million % if Trip started ripping people off on SST but stayed loyal to MESO....we would judge his "SST character" on MESO. Am i right? I have no dog in this fight. I dont know who is right or wrong. Im just saying your copy/pasted comment above doesnt make sense and is definitely leaning hard to one side.
It's all kind of a moot point now anyway. Trips learned and he offered a BOGO on the anavar to the guy. It's done and that's a good resolution.

I don't care if a member here is a total asshat on another board. A member at MESO is a member at MESO. I don't think the guy was reverse scamming but there is no eViDeNcE for either side so in my mind it's clear, member is in the right.

I don't want the slippery slope of a member getting ripped off because a handful of newer members LOVE the source and side with him. We're not doing that. That means the shilling wins and it makes us just like the other boards. No ways in hell that's going to happen.
The only one dick riding is you and every other person who doesn't look at the valid points mentioned by a member with less reputation just because a well known member can't properly analyze a situation and refuses to be at a neutral standing point, open your eyes like I said earlier lol.
You joined two weeks ago bud. LOL. What makes you all-knowing. I've been VERY clear, there IS no neutrality here. The onus of proof is on the source. If they can't handle that they can go somewhere else. It costs NOTHING to source here compared to a $1,000 or more a month on a source board. So we don't need to be nice or inviting or even fair for that matter.

Members deserve more here. Period.

And again, Trips made what I believe to be a reasonable compromise last night. It's all resolved.

So moving on.....
It's all kind of a moot point now anyway. Trips learned and he offered a BOGO on the anavar to the guy. It's done and that's a good resolution.

I don't care if a member here is a total asshat on another board. A member at MESO is a member at MESO. I don't think the guy was reverse scamming but there is no eViDeNcE for either side so in my mind it's clear, member is in the right.

I don't want the slippery slope of a member getting ripped off because a handful of newer members LOVE the source and side with him. We're not doing that. That means the shilling wins and it makes us just like the other boards. No ways in hell that's going to happen.
Lol you talk so much shit about shills yet here you are openly defending one? You seriously can't be this retarded.
Lol you talk so much shit about shills yet here you are openly defending one? You seriously can't be this retarded.
We can shoot the shit this way for the rest of the day, clogging up Trips thread. Or you can shut the fuck up and go back to your little pussy board. Like I said, I don't give a fuck if he's a shill anywhere else. I think he was shorted anavar. That's my opinion. You can have your opinion. Lets see if that matters here though.
I apologise for this even becoming an issue. In the future I will take pictures of packs before sending them out. Sometimes I wish a few of the individuals who have had order issues would chime in so I can show that I do fix issues but there are not many and they get fixed ASAP.

Other sources have had issues like this before. Some decide to swallow the loss and some have had to start taking pictures of orders before shipping them. There is a well known large source here on MESO that had to implement a similar policy. I was hesitant to start doing this as it adds another step to my already lengthy policy.

If you decide to order from me again I will include sample vials and give you a enhanced testing credit for testing on your order if you feel like you cannot trust my products. I'll also give you B1G1 on Anavar for two packs @dudemanbrother.

In the future if the picture shows that items are properly in the pack I will not be giving out free gear.
Trip corrected my order when i was missing promo test bottles and it showed up in like 2 days.