What you guys putting up on flat bench these days?

38 yrs old
305 lbs
225 X 30 full reps down to touching chest
315 X 10 same
405 X 5 same

1 rep max it's been prob 2 years but I believe it was 465. In that neighborhood anyway. These days I try to stay away from heavy flats.

I like incline dumb bells. This is my usual incline workout.
65. X 20
75 X 20
85. X 20
95. X 20
110. X 20

Edit forgot: last cycle 2 yrs ago 750 test e for 10 weeks ..Been on TRT for over a year 200mg a week.
Gathering stuff to blast soon though.
Its been a goal for damn near 7 years. But I didnt do much db work. I'm wondering what to do if I get em. Not too many gyms around here go to 200lb dbs

Not many humans can even pick up a 200lb DB

I find 135 to be the limit for what I can move around - farmers walk style only, possibly some rows, those are heavy ass DBs. Can't imagine doing anything with 200s, ya'll are BIG.
I like the standing one arm dumbbell presses, too. Was doing them every week when I first benched 405lbs. I think my best was a 100lb dumbbell for either 5 or 7.
I might try the standing one armed db press tomorrow...albeit starting with a light weight to get the technique down.

Nice work on the DB presses!!

I wish my gym had bigger DB! Fucking 110's for reps the best I can do.
My gym has up to 125's and that makes my right shoulder twinge lol. Most I got were the 110's. I should dare try 115 :)
Not many humans can even pick up a 200lb DB

I find 135 to be the limit for what I can move around - farmers walk style only, possibly some rows, those are heavy ass DBs. Can't imagine doing anything with 200s, ya'll are BIG.

Hardest problem for me is the size of the little bar. I like them thin and they get bigger in the 100s but get smaller around 135 - 140. But it definetly gets harder to even get started. Especially because I work out solo.
Can't flat bench anymore. I'm 47 172lb. I occasionally incline bench with a big pause on the bottom. I did 225lb for 12, again with a big 2 sec pause at the bottom of the rep.
I'm weighing 184lb now.. Just dropped my calorie intake for a while, I'm pushing 335 for 3 reps now. I'd imagine I'm somewhere around 365 for one max rep. Just haven't tried, my joints are aching like hell lately.
Ive been doing a 10x10 with 275 for bench lately, some dudes hate it. But I swear it works wonders when I'm trying to hit a new PR, or work through a plateau.
I was getting pretty close to 4 plates when I incurred a shoulder injury. Sucks. My shoulder has recovered to some degree. I can only do 340lbs now without pain. Hoping to get back where I was without surgery.
Thanks, I've been lifting since I was 17. I was following your smolov jr log. How's the bone spur. You're no slouch yourself!
Thanks man! I'm laid up for 5th day in a row and I'm miserable. I've been to the chiropractor 3 times, had 2 injections in my hip and still no relief. I'm scheduled to see the Ortho Thursday but I'm trying to get in sooner b/c this shit is rough!
Oh yes try getting those big heavy bastards kicked up into position for inclines :eek:

I think it's hard enough to get 80s in position on inclines. :(

No problem pressing the 80s, but setting them up without looking spastic gets harder and harder at that point. A good forward lean, clamp them to the chest and with a bit of a calf raise and lean back, yes, but it's still a little "twisty". Clearly a sign that I'm imbalanced/not strong enough. As a result, I don't do inclines that much - flat bench with DBs and especially OHP with DBs/KBs are what I mostly do.
I think it's hard enough to get 80s in position on inclines. :(

No problem pressing the 80s, but setting them up without looking spastic gets harder and harder at that point. A good forward lean, clamp them to the chest and with a bit of a calf raise and lean back, yes, but it's still a little "twisty". Clearly a sign that I'm imbalanced/not strong enough. As a result, I don't do inclines that much - flat bench with DBs and especially OHP with DBs/KBs are what I mostly do.
Agreed, too much of a risk for an injury so a spotter is a must for such heavy db's as spotter can help you get the weights in position.
Thanks man! I'm laid up for 5th day in a row and I'm miserable. I've been to the chiropractor 3 times, had 2 injections in my hip and still no relief. I'm scheduled to see the Ortho Thursday but I'm trying to get in sooner b/c this shit is rough!
Get better soon, brother. Getting injured sucks and I can relate to that.
Never been the strongest dude but hit 350 on my last cycle and got 335 this cycle. Usually train with dumbbells due to a muscle imbalance but I go for a 1rm every few months just to see what I can get.