Fat my ass! Got up to 244lbs then decided to try and trim up and now I've been running my ass off on the treadmill and lost 13lbs and my fat on my stomach and love handles hasn't even began to go away. I'm 231lbs now and I look fatter than I did at 244lbs. You make me sick! [emoji12]
Ok I gotta go eat some donuts one of the guys brought to work so I'll talk to you later. Just can't figure out why I'm so fat, lol.
Bring me some donuts and coffee. Man that sounds good.
Didn't say I was fat. Said I had put on SOME fat. I do feel fat though since most of my vascularity is covered up at the moment, dbol and deca bloat. Few more weeks of growing and I'm gonna cut till my show in March. Need to be where I was at at the end of my log but would like to look like that with a few extra pounds. Fuck I was miserable at 7% Bf though.