Who is our biggest, most shredded member at Meso?

Aaaaaaaaand Mands wins.
Hahahaha! Thanks my man.
Mands you probably have the biggest and most developed upper chest I've ever seen
Thanks brother.
Mands is huge , no doubt . Traps/upper pecs monsterous ....
Id like to see him totally shredded . I love before and afters .
I will work on it @Oregongearhead
Again thanks man.
Eh-hemm... I believe I coined that phrase.. :)

It was really your chest that stood out, I could've set my beer bottle on it..

Looks like we have lots of guys living the life here, good stuff.
Ummm I think you did. lol And chest is always here for your beer bottle my man.
Mere mortals don't casually rest their chin on their upper chest like that! Very impressive, @mands very impressive!
Thanks @Millard Baker you have inspired me over the years.

@mands what's your favorite cycle, including doses?
I think my favorite cycle was Sten, Laurabolin and Reforvit-B. Doses where 200mg a week Sten, 200mg a week Laurabolin and 25mg Reforvit-B ED. I remember blowing up on that cycle.

Now current cycle is not bad. Test Cyp. 600mg a week, Tren E. 300mg a week, 5-6 iu's GH one shot at night, 100mg t4(Haven't been consistent with this ugh).

I did like my Test, Tren, Var and GH cycle. 600mg Test cyp., Tren A 100mg EOD, 30mg Var ED, 5-6 iu's GH ED.

@mands whats your nutrition strategy? Protein? Cals?

Are you as strong as you look or hypertrophic style of training?
Eat, eat, eat and eat... Seriously though I try and get calories when bulking around 6K a day and will try once a week to get in 10k sort of a re-feed day. 6K days are clean usually in the spring and summer. I have been pretty much been eating 60% clean 40% not so clean as of last week. I have actually cleaned it up this week.

I'm not sure how strong I look. lol But, chest this week was fairly heavy weight. hit 405 lbs for 5 on incline pretty easy. When I was re-comping two summers ago I did 90 lbs dumbbells regular bench for 45 reps. So I can push heavy if I need to or high volume.

Deads are over 585 I'm sure and squats I can rep 405 lbs with no problem.
