New Member
did you lose your hair that fast ?
Thanks a lot! I started out 240lbs fat fucker at 39% bodyfat. so I guess its easier?
This is before. and after. the after pic is natty at 178lbs 13% bf. that is when i started to juice. i wanted to get in shape before i touched anything.
Then this pic was mid test cycle. at 500mg EW. left is at my leanest(natty) right was mid cycle
Then this was mid tren cycle at 201lbs
Now, im cruising at 175mg a week. I was at 250 but lowered it. i weigh in at 214 today. and the pics u quoted me on, those were this week. Thanks a lot for the kind words. Thick is a nice word haha
you should make a trip to canada hahaha. is it illegal to share steroids i already possess? lol