Who is our biggest, most shredded member at Meso?

Looking like a tank skull!!
Thanks TNE. I need to up them cals along with the intensity. Its not gonna all come back fast but fuck it, im patient an have nothing but time. Ill get back to where I was eventually. Thinkin bou stayin at 250 mg for a lil longer before blastin again jus to see where I can get with it. Then again I can change my mind in the flip of a switch an say to hell with it....Its blast off time bahahah!!!!
Didn't take you ling to come back, you must have missed us. Anyways, good to have ya back skull
Ya this place is like my second home. Hard to jus up an leave all my brothas who have been there for me through thick an thin. Thanks for the Welcome back Nitrust. Now its time for us to monster up together once again;):D:):p:cool:
It's about to go down bro! Just leaned out really nicely gonna jump on high test,mast p,var, and superdrol. Let's get it!
I want my Deca cycle back that I didnt get to finish here a while back. The last pics I took here before I had to cut it short was 750Test 600Deca. My current avi was from that run. Sure wish I coulda finished the rest Month an a half I had left to go but moe got deadly sick with a kidney infection that almost took her life. I came off an dropped to a trt dose of 250mg immediately cuz I was in kind of mindstate to continue pounding weights to my full potential while moe was in I.C.U battling for her life....Fuckin shook me pretty hard their. Im now back in the right mindstate an it time to monster the fuck up lol.....Get some!!!!

@Skull looking solid homie. Them shoulders! Best of all good to have you back bro!
Lol Thanks penche. Your lookin a hell of alot bigger than me as is everyone hahah. I got alot of catching up to do but im back to feeling great now an ready to fuckin murder the weights. Tbh I figured I'd lose alot more mass than I did by dropping down to 250mg a week with a shitty diet an not working out for over a month straight. Hopefully muscle memory is for real cuz its fuckin summer time an everyone wants to sport the ol Tank tops. ...Yep its motha fuckin time to monster back up!!!! Hopefully we can keep it all this time while continually slowly building!!!!
I want my Deca cycle back that I didnt get to finish here a while back. The last pics I took here before I had to cut it short was 750Test 600Deca. My current avi was from that run. Sure wish I coulda finished the rest Month an a half I had left to go but moe got deadly sick with a kidney infection that almost took her life. I came off an dropped to a trt dose of 250mg immediately cuz I was in kind of mindstate to continue pounding weights to my full potential while moe was in I.C.U battling for her life....Fuckin shook me pretty hard their. Im now back in the right mindstate an it time to monster the fuck up lol.....Get some!!!!

Lol Thanks penche. Your lookin a hell of alot bigger than me as is everyone hahah. I got alot of catching up to do but im back to feeling great now an ready to fuckin murder the weights. Tbh I figured I'd lose alot more mass than I did by dropping down to 250mg a week with a shitty diet an not working out for over a month straight. Hopefully muscle memory is for real cuz its fuckin summer time an everyone wants to sport the ol Tank tops. ...Yep its motha fuckin time to monster back up!!!! Hopefully we can keep it all this time while continually slowly building!!!!
Just really glad Moe is ok buddy, and also its great to see you back posting again, kinda missed havin you and them damn emoji's around!!!!!
Just really glad Moe is ok buddy, and also its great to see you back posting again, kinda missed havin you and them damn emoji's around!!!!!
Thanks MB66. All is well know for the moment an I have missed these lil bastrds jus as much as you...pry a even more so bahaha:oops::eek:;):DIts kinda my thing ya know:):confused::cool::p
Fuck, Men... I need to train arms!
Powerlifting comp at start of July... After that, I'm going to try to get the guns up to scratch!

I think the only thing I dont like about powerlifting (as far as my body is concerned) is that I dont have the look in my bi's I used to. Arms are bigger, but its not the same.
Mine are looking feeble. It's annoying.
My training partner is a good deal lighter than me and not as strong... Doesn't really train arms but his are miles more impressive than mine.
My wife calls me t-rex because of my "short" upper arms... They could at least be massive!