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What's your profession?

Systems administrator at a local hospital. A side benefit is I get to meet some great ladies too :)

The responses in here made me chuckle.
The man who went years on meso without commenting on or liking not one chick photo and obviously stays away from such discussions. And you expect us to believe you all of the sudden like pussy? LOL LOL Ok!!
I have a LCDC license with the state I live in, that should be enough to figure it out

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Quit my job as a "john" to go back to school to become a stagecoach driver.

Those horseless carriages you guys zip around in are just a passing fad.
You'll see, you'll all see!

If that doesn't pan out, i'm thinking old timey alchemist. i think i could turn lead into gold if i really put my mind to it.
I work at macy's in the mall in Cupertino, ca. Men's shoes department.
I flip houses... and I have a couple rentals... and I work at a pig farm... I'm a busy guy.... maybe I should invest in some cocaine