
  1. D

    Steroid cycle of Test E , Primobolan and dianabol

    just asking a question had anyone done a 12 week stack cycle of Test E , Primobolan depot and dianabol ? Still researching about it I have done a 12 week cycle of just test E 4 months ago first 8 weeks was 1.5ml twice a week then last 4 wks were 1 ml twice a week aswell and then 2 weeks clomid
  2. TuTriX31

    Recover Protocol

    Shut down quite hard after my first cycle, going to run a course of HCG to try and recover. Thoughts on this Week 1 - 1660 IU HCG (415 EOD) 20mg Aromasin EOD Week 2 - 1660 IU HCG (415 EOD) 20mg Aromasin EOD Week 3 - 1660 IU HCG (415 EOD) 20mg Aromasin EOD Week 4 day 1 - 150mg Clomid, 60mg...
  3. I

    Any Advice Appreciated - Recovery

    Before i begin i realise how stupid and irresponsible this will read and ask you not to judge me. I never intend to cycle again and just want to get back to my normal self asap. Its a long thread but i cant put into words how much i value your time/response. At age 22 in Around April/May 2015 i...
  4. N

    Want to try tren and winstrol cycle first time how to prevent gyno

    I'm 6ft 1 255lbs I haven't worked out in a year but I want to do a winstrol and tren cycle but I don't want any symptoms of gyno I only want to do it if there is a way to stop gyno from happening 100% I have never done steroids I'm only going to do oral ones but if there is no way of stopping...
  5. W

    18 year old with LOW Testosterone

    Hey everyone, So long story short I had an irresponsible adult allow me to purchase oral winstrol tablets at (10mg) ea when I was 16-17. I took them for two weeks before losing them.. which is a good thing I guess. Over time I began to experience symptoms of low testosterone, PRIMARILY hot...
  6. P

    5 weeks into PCT and not seeing much recovery

    So about 8 weeks ago I took my last shot of sustanon. I was on cycle for a total of 7 months looked like the following; (roughly) Weeks 1-5 Sustanon 600mg per week Weeks 6-7 Sustanon 600mg and Tren A 300mg eod Weeks 8-13 Test P 420mg eod Tren A 420mg eod Weeks 14-15 Test P 420mg and Test E...
  7. M

    First Cycle question: do i take Arimidex after my last pin before PCT

    getting ready to do a first cycle. I've done extensive research and I'm not starting until i have an exact plan and am confident on what will be doing. So far this is what i have come up with: w 1-12 cyp 500mg/w w 1-12 Arimidex .25 EOD w 13-14 off w 15-16 clomid 100mg / nolva 40mg w 17-18...
  8. WillyNilly402

    Is the Active Life of the drug how long to wait to start PCT?

    I see varying posts and answers to this, so I wanted to see if I can get a better understanding of when to start PCT. For example, Test PH has an Active Life of 4-6 days if I understand it correctly. Would you then wait 6 days after the last pin to start PCT with Clomid and/or Nolva? The...
  9. P

    Recovery Advice Needed

    This is a long time coming but i've been in panic mode for so long I just need some advice without being judged really as i know im an idiot. At age 22 in Around April/May 2015 i ran a cycle of test-e 250mg twice a week all the way up to September (few weeks in between i missed out because i...
  10. YouKnowIRUN

    Nolva and clomid depression

    can nolva and clomid cause depression? it was fine the first 4 weeks but week 5 and week 6 which ended yesterday have been really weird, i just feel fatigue all the time no matter how much sleep I get, COMPLETE loss of motivation which is a problem because i need motivation to make beats which...
  11. Nicolaus


    Hello, I am a 25 year old male, have never taken steroids, and have been suffering from low testosterone symptoms during and after my second course of Accutane (both courses lasting a year each, forgot the dosage, and my second course was taken at the age of 20). I never knew what ED was until...
  12. Zero

    Is it possible to spoil one's brain with Clomid?

    Honestly looking for a word of reassurance (or two). I'm two months after one pill of Clomid, morning woods are getting worse, have headaches, insomnia, morning anxiety, bitchy mood and I'm losing weight fast. On the bright side libido is slowly creeping in again, same as erection strenght...
  13. C

    High dose Test + Proviron + Winstrol

    Hey lads long time lurker first timer poster, ive done a lot of research through meso plus a bunch of other forums and couldn't find any commodious concrete details about results and sides while on a high dose test cycle. I don't intend on this becoming a log but i have just started a high dose...
  14. B


    Hi guys I'm 24 years old and i would really appreciate some advice here, i just need double assurance that this is the 'right way' to do a PCT. i have been running a 6 week cycle of anavar 50mg (two tablets a day). My last dose was 5 days ago (16th). I done a blood test whilst on cycle and my...
  15. Americanada

    Thoughts on Aromasin throughout pct?

    Anyone have any experience or studies to suggest it is beneficial? Planning on running it at 12.5mg e/d on cycle after week 3 and tapering down after my last pin to eod till pct begins and then 3x a week (m/w/f) for the remainder Would be running it with nolva @ 40/20/20/20 and clomid at...
  16. M

    Test prop anavar cycle

    Just want your opinions guys if i'm missing anything in this cycle. Week 1-10 Test propionate 100mg eod Week 1-10 arimidex 1mg eod Week 1-10 proviron 50mg ed Week 4-10 anavar 40-60 mg ed HCG last 4 weeks 2x500iu ew Pct : week 1-2 clomid 50mg / nolva 40mg Week 3-4 clomid 25 /nolva 20 Now when...
  17. Nighthawk8118

    PCT for 1st test cycle w HCG

    I am going to run test E/ 500mg a week for 12 weeks... I plan on pinning 250iu hcg weeks 3 thru 12 every 4 days AND 10mg aromasin EOD weeks 1 thru 12 then 25 mg ED for 2 weeks following last test pin. AND finallyclomid 50mg ED weeks 15 16 17 Is this a good formula of pct? Is this enough without...
  18. Nighthawk8118

    PCT for 1st cycle/ test E 500/wk

    I am going to run test E/ 500mg a week for 12 weeks... I plan on pinning 250iu HCG weeks 3 thru 12 every 4 days AND 10mg Aromasin EOD weeks 1 thru 12 then 25 mg ED for 2 weeks following last test pin. AND finally Clomid 50mg ED weeks 15 16 17 Is this a good formula of PCT? Is this enough...
  19. A

    Confused Adding HCG at the end of the cycle or on PCT

    i am in the middle of cycle now tomorrow will be my week 5 my recent plan test e 500mg 1-8 weeks deca 350mg 1-8 weeks hcg 750iu/ed after 10 days from last injection after hcg immediately start nolva and colmid for 4 weeks but i read many articles that really confused my about starting hcg on...
  20. MFG

    Understanding clomid use

    I'm a bit confused on how people word a clomid cycle "100/100/50/50". Does this mean the clomid will be taken for four weeks total and 100mg a day for the first two weeks and 50mg a day for the remaining two weeks? Sorry if it's a dumb question just better safe then sorry.
  21. B

    Recovering from propecia and gyno with SERMS. Need help.

    Basically I took propecia and crashed, I tried thousand of things to recover and nothing gave me results besides tribulus, clomid and tamoxifen. My recent levels without doing serms and tribulus was T: 280 E2: 36 Lh: 2 Fsh: 1.8 TSH: 2.0 Prolactin: 4 I was doing well until I started gym and...
  22. A

    Worried about first PCT

    Okay this is gonna be a long story so I'll leave cliff notes at the end for the lazy readers. Basically I went to South America for a year and got the best source I could ask for. My local gym owner had the stuff in stock constantly and for pennies on the dollar so being the type of guy I am I...
  23. M

    What to expect during PCT after Test E cycle

    Hey guys I am on week 10/10 of my first Test E 500mg/week cycle. I had strength increase, intensity increase, muscle gain, aggression increase, libido increase, confidence increase, appetite increase.. Basically it was a successful first cycle, and was very cool to learn how steroids effect a...
  24. Nicolaus


    Hello fellow members, Anyone know of a reliable and legit source for SERMS/PCT? I've heard of one called pharmacist but not sure if it's good Thank you!
  25. Nicolaus

    Ready to take the next step. Please help

    Hello all I have been looking into anabolic steroids for about a few years now, well not consistently and I want to take my body to the next level. I got my lab work done and I have low testosterone, low fsh, and low lh levels. Very low actually, too embarassed to share with the public. Which...