22 month transformation. From fat to fit.

That’s a long time to go without toilet paper.
I do like the decoration change though. From skinny fat live laugh love, to a beautiful strange little flower thing.
Great progress. What did you run?
Maybe consider adding some accutane for the perfect clean look.
First cycle was as follows

Week 1-6: 500 test

Week 6-10:500 test 300 mast

Week 10-16: 650 test 450 mast

Second cycle as follows:

Week 1-6: 600 test 400 mast

Week 6-11: 650 test 500 mast

Week 11-16: 650 test 500 mast 40var/10tbol

(Novorapid as needed with high carb meals

Could care less about the shoulder acne tbh but I plan on competing in the next 2 years men’s physique so it might be necessary.
Well I certainly wouldn't have been adding Novorapid at this stage but hey it's worked for you.. Very impressive change in physique..

Are those your first two cycles entirely? Obviously we need a shot from the front, but looks like you you have that good taper needed for men's physique
Well I certainly wouldn't have been adding Novorapid at this stage but hey it's worked for you.. Very impressive change in physique..

Are those your first two cycles entirely? Obviously we need a shot from the front, but looks like you you have that good taper needed for men's physique
Insulin lets me eat more rice. More rice = more growth. Only used when necessary, there was a point where I was eating 20 cups of rice a day and couldn’t get my bg under 150.

Yes entire first two cycles, working on bringing up my lower lats that’s the most lacking body part for me.

I’ll be starting a log in the next few months hopefully some of you follow along on the rest of my journey. Been on cruise a few months, probably won’t jump back in until June.

Staying healthy is my top priority, my labs are looking very good right now, not a single issue. But I like to keep my labs looking very good for a long time before blasting. I think when you blast take 2 months off recover lipids and jump right back in, that’s not staying healthy. That’s recovering to baseline for a month, and then damaging your health again right away.

In my health phases I try to run 5-8 miles a day, and maintain as much muscle as possible. I think this is where my genetics come into play, I barely lose any muscle from running daily. Pushing 40+ miles a week not including steps and I’m holding up good.

After my last cycle HDL dropped down to 30, I want to keep it above 50 for as long as possible.
Well I certainly wouldn't have been adding Novorapid at this stage but hey it's worked for you.. Very impressive change in physique..

Are those your first two cycles entirely? Obviously we need a shot from the front, but looks like you you have that good taper needed for men's physique
My long drawn out response and I forgot to thank you for your kind words. I appreciate you
Holy shit. You didn’t even look like you worked out in the first pic. Crazy transformation. Very good response to gear
Thank you, that was very kind. I was very well built in high school and stayed lean year around running. I lost everything when I starting drinking a liter of tequila a day. Had to go to a really dark place to get to where I’m at today. Training saved my life.

My coach said the same thing about me responding insanely well, he didn’t want me to go above 500 for my first cycle. I was transforming everyday. I told him I read a lot about Masteron I really want to try it, he said no. I ordered 5 vials and said you can drop me as a client if you want, but I really want to do this. After a long discussion it basically turned into “well, I’m not your dad” and he hesitantly agreed to let me push the dose. I honestly don’t regret it, my lab work allowed it and my cruises are long. For the first time in my life I felt incredible. The depression was gone, confidence was and still is sky high. Multiple promotions at work.

When I stopped drinking I pushed the devil out, and I’ll never let him back in. Let’s say a quick prayer.

“Forgive me lord for I am pinning” lol
Insulin lets me eat more rice. More rice = more growth. Only used when necessary, there was a point where I was eating 20 cups of rice a day and couldn’t get my bg under 150.

Yes entire first two cycles, working on bringing up my lower lats that’s the most lacking body part for me.

I’ll be starting a log in the next few months hopefully some of you follow along on the rest of my journey. Been on cruise a few months, probably won’t jump back in until June.

Staying healthy is my top priority, my labs are looking very good right now, not a single issue. But I like to keep my labs looking very good for a long time before blasting. I think when you blast take 2 months off recover lipids and jump right back in, that’s not staying healthy. That’s recovering to baseline for a month, and then damaging your health again right away.

In my health phases I try to run 5-8 miles a day, and maintain as much muscle as possible. I think this is where my genetics come into play, I barely lose any muscle from running daily. Pushing 40+ miles a week not including steps and I’m holding up good.

After my last cycle HDL dropped down to 30, I want to keep it above 50 for as long as possible.
I completely understand your choice to use insulin now my friend, totally warranted and clearly you understand what you are doing.. I thought you had just thrown it in there hoping for some magic like most guys do..

And definitely do I'm excited to see your progress considering how well you have responded to things.. Holy hell I'd of ran my life away by now your definatley holding up extremely well..

Your coach maybe didn't want you looking better than him.. Drop the HGH bomb and see how he reacts haha.. Clearly a very good decision to go against him in this case..
I completely understand your choice to use insulin now my friend, totally warranted and clearly you understand what you are doing.. I thought you had just thrown it in there hoping for some magic like most guys do..

And definitely do I'm excited to see your progress considering how well you have responded to things.. Holy hell I'd of ran my life away by now your definatley holding up extremely well..

Your coach maybe didn't want you looking better than him.. Drop the HGH bomb and see how he reacts haha.. Clearly a very good decision to go against him in this case..
Too add on to the insulin thing, if you have the basic ability to think, insulin will never be a problem. If you lack the basic ability to think, you shouldn’t be self administering anything besides maybe food lol.

I can’t thank you enough for the support and kind words. Gh is quite expensive, I have a few kits currently just 4 ius before bed. Not sure if I can justify using it long term, I want to compete but I also send my son to a private school, and I’d much rather continue that than run more gh
First cycle was as follows

Week 1-6: 500 test

Week 6-10:500 test 300 mast

Week 10-16: 650 test 450 mast

Second cycle as follows:

Week 1-6: 600 test 400 mast

Week 6-11: 650 test 500 mast

Week 11-16: 650 test 500 mast 40var/10tbol

(Novorapid as needed with high carb meals

Could care less about the shoulder acne tbh but I plan on competing in the next 2 years men’s physique so it might be necessary.

Going by your shoulders i was pretty sure you were running some nandrolone at least. Impressive that it was "only" test and mast mostly.

Did you get any more benefits from insulin besides being able to eat more?
Going by your shoulders i was pretty sure you were running some nandrolone at least. Impressive that it was "only" test and mast mostly.

Did you get any more benefits from insulin besides being able to eat more?
I’ll more than likely use NPP in my next cycle, but my shoulders seem to grow very well. As for the insulin, the only benefit is as being able to eat more. More food is faster recovery bottom line. A lot of people throw Masteron in the corner and think it’s useless unless you’re in a cut, but it made me feel significantly stronger, and my mood was significantly better. I’m surprised more people aren’t yelling at me about using 1g in my first cycle, but I don’t regret it either.
Phenomenal change!! Im really interested in your training and specific how you have stayed injury free while putting on that much mass. Have you been very careful with adding weight to the bar slowly, used a lot of high reps for tendon strength? Things like that.

Very impressive you stay large doing 40 miles of running a week. Were you a track and field athlete in college? What effect has the running has on your calves? I imagine gear + running there absolutely ripped !!
Cross country athlete my whole life, and I’m a big fan of high volume training. I’m actually not very strong, 315 max bench 405 DL.

I follow a lot of John Meadows approaches to training as well as RP.

I’m very lucky I’ve never had any serious injury, Although it’s only a matter of time until my knees blow out.

I’ll be starting a log soon with a lot of physique updates and full training splits, I can tag you there if you want.

My calves and shins are very vascular, and one of the worst things about running on a cycle is the excruciating pumps. The shin and VG pumps are so painful, but they go away, just have to keep pushing.
Insulin lets me eat more rice. More rice = more growth. Only used when necessary, there was a point where I was eating 20 cups of rice a day and couldn’t get my bg under 150.

Yes entire first two cycles, working on bringing up my lower lats that’s the most lacking body part for me.

I’ll be starting a log in the next few months hopefully some of you follow along on the rest of my journey. Been on cruise a few months, probably won’t jump back in until June.

Staying healthy is my top priority, my labs are looking very good right now, not a single issue. But I like to keep my labs looking very good for a long time before blasting. I think when you blast take 2 months off recover lipids and jump right back in, that’s not staying healthy. That’s recovering to baseline for a month, and then damaging your health again right away.

In my health phases I try to run 5-8 miles a day, and maintain as much muscle as possible. I think this is where my genetics come into play, I barely lose any muscle from running daily. Pushing 40+ miles a week not including steps and I’m holding up good.

After my last cycle HDL dropped down to 30, I want to keep it above 50 for as long as possible.
That’s a lot of mileage for your weight. I’m jealous.
That’s a lot of mileage for your weight. I’m jealous.
My knees hate me for it. I’m actually looking for an experienced heavy runner to recommend some knees sleeves. I have a couple that are absolutely horrible. They just completely cut off blood flow and make my legs go numb.

Goggins ran 100 miles at 270, I look up to insane people like him. I’m also alright with downsizing slightly, maybe 205. I want to complete a marathon over 200lbs. I also want to compete in men’s physique. The sky is the limit, my entire worldview is stop at nothing to reach your goals, and we’ll pain is pleasure. Not in a weird kink way, but in an effort sense. Whether it’s training in the gym, or hitting the pavement, after the pain subsides the pleasure is sure to follow.

But don’t be jealous, feel free to dm me I’m very active. I’d love to share some tips, especially relating to cadence and breathing.