Fuck you gotta be kidding that’s my luck guess the exact number and get pumped as fuck just to find out I dont get shit, and I got burned by that RandR fucker to for $600
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Fuck you gotta be kidding that’s my luck guess the exact number and get pumped as fuck just to find out I dont get shit, and I got burned by that RandR fucker to for $600
What does RandR have to do with this?
Not to be a dick but please put that shit to rest! I’ll send you 25ml if DHB as a conciliation prize, and It’s totaly pip free! o_O
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What does RandR have to do with this?
Not to be a dick but please put that shit to rest! I’ll send you 25ml if DHB as a consolidation prize. It’s totaly pip free! o_O
I wasn’t saying it had anything to do with it, I’m just saying I have bad luck lol, and fuck that DHB I don’t own a wheelchair!
Order placed and recieved. Very fast T/A.

I have a lot of experience running blacktops, these arrived in the typical vials. The bac water that is included as an extra is homemade. If I pull bloods I'll post them.

Would order again... Very big convenience factor, I normally don't order domestic but was in a bind this time. Honestly, the fast TA is worth the extra cash for me.
I agree the communication with my purchase was on point and @Anonymous_anabolics answered every question I had.

I didn’t really need anymore Black tops. But since I made a lot of money this week at the bar I said fuck it and ordered more just to stock up. Also ordered some pharma Ralaxofien and Adex which is almost unheard of domestically and at a better price then most of the international sources. This is probably one of the best Assets AA is offering right now. I’ll report back when my pack lands. Thanks again @Anonymous_anabolics


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