It's on the list (#19 under oils). Here's everything I have at this moment. Notice there's no prices cuz it's not for sale just yet. Will be getting everything all set-up over the next few days.

1. Meditrope Black Tops 150iu kits...$200
*includes 15mL of bacteriostatic water

2. Meditrope Mauve Tops 100iu kits
*includes 10mL of bacteriostatic water

3. Grey Tops 100iu kits
*includes 10mL of bacteriostatic water

1. Test Ace 150mg
2. Test P 100mg
3. Test E 250mg
4. Test Cyp 250mg
5. tren Ace 100mg
6. Tren E 250mg
7. Mast P 100mg
8. Mast E 250mg
9. NPP 100mg
10. EQ 300mg
11. Bold Cyp 250mg
12. DHB 100mg
13. TNE 100mg
14. TrNE 100mg
15. Injectable Superdrol 40mg/mL
16. TrNE 75mg + Sdrol 25mg
17. TNE 75mg + Sdrol 25mg
18. Primo Ace 50mg
19. TrNE 50mg + TNE 50mg
+ Adrol 25mg + Dbol 25mg

1. Proviron (25mg × 30 caps)
2. Anavar (25mg × 30 caps)
3. viagra (25mg × 30 caps)
4. Dapoxetine (25mg × 30 caps)
5. Accutane (20mg × 30 caps)
6. Tbol (25mg × 30 caps)
7. Anadrol ( 25mg × 30 caps)
8. Winny (25mg × 30 caps)
9. Lady Var (10mg × 50 caps)
10. M1T (10mg × 30 caps)
11. nolvadex (20mg × 30 caps)
12. clomid (50mg × 30 caps)

Possibly some more orals, oils, and blends in the future.

1. Modanafil 100mg (10 tabs)
2. Modanafil 200mg (10 tabs)
3. Proviron (25mg × 20 tabs - Bayer)
4. Anapolon (50mg × 20 tabs - Abdi Ibrahim)
5. aromasin (25mg × 30 tabs - Pfizer)
6. (arimidex) (1mg × 28 tabs)
7. Cabaser (1mg × 20 tabs - Pfizer)
8. Raloxifene (60mg × 28 tabs - Evisata/Eli Lilly)
9. hcg (5000iu × 1 vial - Choriomn/IBSA)
10. HMG (150iu × 1 vial - Merional/IBSA)
11. t3 (25mcg ×100 tabs - Abdi Ibrahim)
12. clenbuterol (20mcg × 50 tabs - SoPharma)
13. Metformin (1000mg × 100 tabs)
14. primobolan depot (Rimobolan)
(100mg/mL ×1amp)
15. Test E 250mg (250mg/mL × 1amp)
16. Sust 250mg

1. GENOTROPIN 36 IU (12 MG) Pen
2. GENOTROPIN 16 IU (5,3 MG) Pen
8. OMNITROPE 30 IU (10 MG)
9. HGH Pen Needle 12 pcs X 0.8mm ,30G
10. HGH Pen Needle 12 pcs X 0.6mm ,31G
You didn't call it Frog Juice, so no one pays attention to the blend lol.

Any chance of Primo E?
im running 38 too , and no ive used plenty of black tops medi's before. These are pretty much on par with black tops medi's ive had before.

This is the problem with judging gh potency/purity based off side effects though . Everyone reacts diffenently to gh and even to different brands of gh . Like for me Norditropins are rough on me , they bloat me like crazy , numb hands , the whole deal . But omni's , ansonomes , humatropes dont effect me nearly as bad . So even in the world of pharma gh I react a little differently to each brand . Sides are completely different person to person, brand to brand .

Ive seen people say if you get cts your gh purity is bad , but thats just more bro lore . Ive got cts from multiple pharma brands , and like I said Nords fuck with more than any other gh , And the Nords i get are definitely 100% real so I doubt there is an issue with the dimer or purity on them .
Like most things regarding hgh you're right mostly. While high dimer content has been "correlated" with higher rates of the side effects you're also correct that pharmacy grade can give the same side effects depending on the person. It's right there in the literature and studies on hgh.
I don't get these negative side effects except when I experimented with high doses combined with a peptide stack 3x a day. Even then it u only edema around the ankles, no pseudo cts symptoms.
I also never got any sleep benefits, in fact I have to take it in the morning or it ruins my sleep
Like most things regarding hgh you're right mostly. While high dimer content has been "correlated" with higher rates of the side effects you're also correct that pharmacy grade can give the same side effects depending on the person. It's right there in the literature and studies on hgh.
I don't get these negative side effects except when I experimented with high doses combined with a peptide stack 3x a day. Even then it u only edema around the ankles, no pseudo cts symptoms.
I also never got any sleep benefits, in fact I have to take it in the morning or it ruins my sleep
I agree with taking it in the morning man I tried split dose, and I could never get decent sleep, then started doing all 4iu first thing in the morning and it was night and day difference
I don't get these negative side effects except when I experimented with high doses combined with a peptide stack 3x a day. Even then it u only edema around the ankles, no pseudo cts symptoms.
I also never got any sleep benefits, in fact I have to take it in the morning or it ruins my slee
Yeah thats one thing i should have noted is
I mostly run gh with insulin and other highly aromatizing compounds more often than not . Hence more water retention in general , so i cant 100% say the "cts" and bloat is hgh related . Though it definitely compounds the issue !

But in prep when im running dry compounds , a clean diet , and significantly less slin the sides are no where near as pronounced . I will get "sleepy hands" or cramps in my feet once in a while but no , nothing like the off-season sides.

Also 100% agree no hgh , generic or pharma , has ever improved my sleep . Like you mentioned its been quite the opposite , ime at least ...