Everything on point: communication, packaging and such. T/a 3 business days. Much obliged @Anonymous_anabolics

I’ll be starting my first GH run tomorrow morning at 2iu for 2 weeks, then increasing until I find my sweet spot. I got my baseline IGF-1 bloods done Friday and results today, shows I am naturally high at 285? Surprising for a 41 year old. I’ll post updated bloods at the 4-6 week mark.

Thinking I should’ve ordered express since it’s hot as fuck this summer. Hopefully the powder hasn’t degraded, straight from the mailbox to the fridge and here we go.
T/A was quick af on the pack I just had TD. Package was tight and clean, and communication was on point once again.

Grabbed another black top kit and some preworkout blends. (TrNe+sdrol & TrNe+TNe+dbol+adrol aka frog juice)
Still undecided on when I’m going to start my hgh run. (Either the beginning of August or September.)

Time now to pin some preworkout blend and hit the gym! :D

Tried to upload some gear porn but keeps saying error :(
I was retaining a lot of water in my feet and ankles, moon face, terrible CTS, numbness in hands and feet.

On the mauve tops I get some occasional tightness in my hands but that's really it as far as sides.
This is awesome news. I quit my first ever GH experience because of the ankle edema.
Did I miss something in my research, like there being something in the vials besides GH that causes the edema? I really want to use it, but gave up on it for that reason.
I had some mild CTS, but I have CTS anyway....the GH just exacerbated it. Just the ankle edema sucked bad.
This was Alibaba GH though. If there is a possibility that a different one (NOT Pharmaceutical priced) would not cause me the edema, I would be inclined to try again.
Nice to have a new reliable domestic on here AA has been good with all communication with me, I look forward to doing business with him in the near future.
This is awesome news. I quit my first ever GH experience because of the ankle edema.
Did I miss something in my research, like there being something in the vials besides GH that causes the edema? I really want to use it, but gave up on it for that reason.
I had some mild CTS, but I have CTS anyway....the GH just exacerbated it. Just the ankle edema sucked bad.
This was Alibaba GH though. If there is a possibility that a different one (NOT Pharmaceutical priced) would not cause me the edema, I would be inclined to try again.

Try taking an herbal diuretic like dandelion root or MHP Expel is another one to get rid of the excess water. Also watch salt intake and try getting more potassium into your diet.
Excellent to see another growth hormone source on Meso. It's pretty crazy how both you and puretropin came on at the same time. Glad you're here, hope all the testing comes out good. If I hadn't already bought 10 kits of puretropin I would give you a shot.
The great news is we used to have an Alibaba growth hormone thread on here that I participated in. The emergence of you two new sources basically crushed that thread since your prices are only a little bit more than Alibaba and from where I understand your shit is spectacular.
Excellent to see another growth hormone source on Meso. It's pretty crazy how both you and puretropin came on at the same time. Glad you're here, hope all the testing comes out good. If I hadn't already bought 10 kits of puretropin I would give you a shot.
The great news is we used to have an Alibaba growth hormone thread on here that I participated in. The emergence of you two new sources basically crushed that thread since your prices are only a little bit more than Alibaba and from where I understand your shit is spectacular.

Well if/when your ready to reup, I'll be here.
Funny how this thread seems to be going a lot like the RandR one did...good luck everyone.
The only similarity I see so far is that both sources had quite a few happy customers relatively quickly! Dickhead @RandRlabs took advantage of that shit, and fucked a lot of good people over!!
@Anonymous_anabolics seems solid AF. But the golden rule is sources are not your BFF and don’t spend more than you can afford to lose. Just like any other source!
Me personally I’m glad AA is here, I don’t see him fucking the community over! We’ve had a lot of bullshit sources the last 9 months, we need a few good ones! Yeah I had too much coffee. Rant over.