I dont mean they are the same by any means...this one might be legit. Im simply saying that the tread started out with no trust, then a bunch of customers real quick. Just seems really fast and i was worried about the same thing happening as did with RandR. Just want you guys to use caution becore going balls deep. @picholas
Did I miss something here???

I thought we established AA is actually Jeff....
Been here long before randr. Trashed the brew kit.
Etc etc etc
This is him just going for his run at sourcing...

Did I understand this all wrong?
I dont mean they are the same by any means...this one might be legit. Im simply saying that the tread started out with no trust, then a bunch of customers real quick. Just seems really fast and i was worried about the same thing happening as did with RandR. Just want you guys to use caution becore going balls deep. @picholas

Okay, I misunderstood I thought you meant packs weren't landing and AA was MIA.

Did I miss something here???

I thought we established AA is actually Jeff....
Been here long before randr. Trashed the brew kit.
Etc etc etc
This is him just going for his run at sourcing...

Did I understand this all wrong?
You understand it correctly, AA just won't come out and say it. I'm sure you can understand why.
Did I miss something here???

I thought we established AA is actually Jeff....
Been here long before randr. Trashed the brew kit.
Etc etc etc
This is him just going for his run at sourcing...

Did I understand this all wrong?
You may be thinking correctly ;). And that might be one of the reasons that eased my mind with going with this source. :D
Of course shit can go bad at anytime, we’ve all seen it.
But from what I’ve gathered he’s been on the boards for some time now. Not just posting, but has done logs and many bloods and analysis testing on a variety of sources. Which in return has helped out the (steroid) community, imo.
I’m not saying by any means things can’t go wrong and am not saying this source is gtg.
I’m saying do your research just like you would/should any other source and make an informed decision. :)
Did I miss something here???

I thought we established AA is actually Jeff....
Been here long before randr. Trashed the brew kit.
Etc etc etc
This is him just going for his run at sourcing...

Did I understand this all wrong?

Can’t confirm or deny anything at this particular juncture. However, JEFFG is a solid guy... That I know...

The Bull
So we are assuming this is a known guy but he hasnt confirmed it? Nobody wants to see brewing equipment pics? Sterilization process? Any of the normal things sources get hounded for then laughed away of they dont have it? This started as an hgh source but we are going with the oils and orals.

To each their own obviously and i dont want to piss anyone off but doesnt it make sense to be some what sure of what youre getting into?

Take that for what you want, its just my opinion.
So we are assuming this is a known guy but he hasnt confirmed it? Nobody wants to see brewing equipment pics? Sterilization process? Any of the normal things sources get hounded for then laughed away of they dont have it? This started as an hgh source but we are going with the oils and orals.

To each their own obviously and i dont want to piss anyone off but doesnt it make sense to be some what sure of what youre getting into?

Take that for what you want, its just my opinion.

I can’t speak for everyone, but personally there are a few people in this thread that I trust and have steered me in the right direction before. @Logan44551 posted blood work that looked good, that’s when I pulled the trigger.

Many in this thread that will definitely post bloods in a few weeks, myself included. That’s ultimately what will matter.
So we are assuming this is a known guy but he hasnt confirmed it? Nobody wants to see brewing equipment pics? Sterilization process? Any of the normal things sources get hounded for then laughed away of they dont have it? This started as an hgh source but we are going with the oils and orals.

To each their own obviously and i dont want to piss anyone off but doesnt it make sense to be some what sure of what youre getting into?

Take that for what you want, its just my opinion.

That's why I'm not selling the oils yet. A few guys I've dealt with over the past few months have them but that's about it.

I'm waiting on a restock of brewing equipment to land. More filters, vials, stoppers, etc. I only have about 10 or so filters remaining, about 300 vials, low on stoppers and caps.

I'm getting ready to brew and will be posting all necessary pics in the next few days.

I can post up a few now from last week of my glassware cleaning process.
So we are assuming this is a known guy but he hasnt confirmed it? Nobody wants to see brewing equipment pics? Sterilization process? Any of the normal things sources get hounded for then laughed away of they dont have it? This started as an hgh source but we are going with the oils and orals.

To each their own obviously and i dont want to piss anyone off but doesnt it make sense to be some what sure of what youre getting into?

Take that for what you want, its just my opinion.
I may be wrong but currently he is reselling hgh however when he decides to start selling oils he will provide what is asked
I can’t speak for everyone, but personally there are a few people in this thread that I trust and have steered me in the right direction before.

@Logan44551 posted blood work that looked good, that’s when I pulled the trigger.

Many in this thread that will definitely post bloods in a few weeks, myself included. That’s ultimately what will matter.

Nothing wrong with that, i just want everyone to be careful. You have your reliables then do your thing. Its appreciated and with that said, the source said he isnt selling oils yet but people have them. I hope everyone sees how this could be a good batch with bloods to support then mass sales of shit gear could follow.

That's why I'm not selling the oils yet. A few guys I've dealt with over the past few months have them but that's about it.

I'm waiting on a restock of brewing equipment to land. More filters, vials, stoppers, etc. I only have about 10 or so filters remaining, about 300 vials, low on stoppers and caps.

I'm getting ready to brew and will be posting all necessary pics in the next few days.

I can post up a few now from last week of my glassware cleaning process.

Havent you sold some oils already? I just want to see people properly vetted and members not get screwed over. Sorry for trying to say you might be full of shit but my loyalty is to the meso forum.
1. All working surfaces are 1st wiped down with Cavicide (forgot to take pic can do it in a few hours if necessary)

2. All glassware - vials, media bottles, and stoppers are washed in Alconox

3. Rinsed in distilled water 2 separate times

4. Alcohol bath for about 30 minutes

5. Re-rinsed in distilled water 2 times

6. Autoclave @ 132 °C (270°F) about 30 psi for
25-30 minutes
Nothing wrong with that, i just want everyone to be careful. You have your reliables then do your thing. Its appreciated and with that said, the source said he isnt selling oils yet but people have them. I hope everyone sees how this could be a good batch with bloods to support then mass sales of shit gear could follow.

Havent you sold some oils already? I just want to see people properly vetted and members not get screwed over. Sorry for trying to say you might be full of shit but my loyalty is to the meso forum.
If you would read a few pages back all your questions would be answered! He said he’s not putting up prices or selling until he puts up pics and is vetted! If a few guys that know him wanna buy that’s there call. I’m for the community as well but let’s not get carried away.
If you would read a few pages back all your questions would be answered! He said he’s not putting up prices or selling until he puts up pics and is vetted! If a few guys that know him wanna buy that’s there call. I’m for the community as well but let’s not get carried away.

I dont see it as getting carried away and im sorry if you do. When bloods get posted from this special batch people will assume its gtg. This is where my concern for proper vetting came from. Im fine with it taking however long is needed and when he is prepared but i just wouldnt suggest jumping on board too soon.

Like i said before, to each his own. Buy what you want from who ever. I just thought we liked to call stuff out that hasnt happened yet?