I dont see it as getting carried away and im sorry if you do. When bloods get posted from this special batch people will assume its gtg. This is where my concern for proper vetting came from. Im fine with it taking however long is needed and when he is prepared but i just wouldnt suggest jumping on board too soon.

Like i said before, to each his own. Buy what you want from who ever. I just thought we liked to call stuff out that hasnt happened yet?
What hasn't happened yet that you want to call maybe I missed your point?
All sources should be vetted and this one will be no exception for sure.
The only cagey thing was the posts by @Ryanlats

He joined MESO specifically to “out” AA as being JeffG using posts from SST. Just flat out being accusational about it and then changing his tone when members here defended JeffG as a good guy (which I remember from the brew kit thread.

That whole exchange involving Ryanlats starts at post 184 and is the only thing that is standing out as being slightly off. @Ryanlats has since scurried off leaving me wondering what the motivation behind all that really was.