Gh? Years. I know Jano doesn't have a great reputation but in one of our conversations he said he tested a vial that was stored for a few years that showed no degrading.

As long as you store it properly, out of direct sunlight and away from extreme temperatures, it should hold for a very long time.
I've always read to keep it refrigerated powder or not....
On these mauve tops I'm having almost no sides at all but with the blacks I had all kinds of sides even running the same dose.
What sides were you having with the blacks? I was fine for the first month at 3iu's a day. I just started getting CTS bad last week. I stopped completely and am waiting for it to pass. Hopefuly it will soon. Then I guess I will start back at a lower dose? I can barely work with my hands the way they are, and sleeping through the night is impossible.
TD was one day. I did go the express route but do not see.a need to. Packaging was on point. He is not a prick and is upfront which is nice for a change. It is great to have a great Dom source. HGH prices are great.
What sides were you having with the blacks? I was fine for the first month at 3iu's a day. I just started getting CTS bad last week. I stopped completely and am waiting for it to pass. Hopefuly it will soon. Then I guess I will start back at a lower dose? I can barely work with my hands the way they are, and sleeping through the night is impossible.

I was retaining a lot of water in my feet and ankles, moon face, terrible CTS, numbness in hands and feet.

On the mauve tops I get some occasional tightness in my hands but that's really it as far as sides.
I have no skin in the game here, however I can attest that @Jeffg353 stepped up a while ago and helped me out in a pinch. Never asked for a THING in return. I was in a pinch, needed GH cause mine was stuck in customs. He sent me a kit and told him just to send him one back when mine arrived. The dude never bothered me about the long wait time (custom's fault, but still), or offered to sell it/asked for money... I HIGHLY doubt he's a source, as he rejected my offer to pay him. Rather, he requested I simply refill his GH supply (that he sent me), when mine arrived. Didn't behave like a source, at all, just a friend.
He helped me out on time in pinch too .... not with gh but something i needed to get thru my cycle
Im about to start the black tops as well. His shipping was unreal. I've delt with tons of local suppliers before. This was by far the fastest.
yeah shipping was extremely fast. Ordered mauves from the main guy domestic a week before I order from aa and I still have not received the mauves from the main guy.


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