I'm also not going to speak for anyone else who initially thought well of R&R.
The only issue with making a judgment call base off what a respected members opinion is ... well , unless you have been around the board long enough you may not know the difference between someone whos opinion is actually respected , and someone who has just been here a while and talks alot of shit (posts alot) lol

But there were definitely people in the r&r thread who threw up red flags in the beginning :)
I'm not here to quibble over subjective valuations made by differing individuals. I'm here to track how this source works out.
I know you guys are looking out for each other and I'm happy to see most of you guys actually coming together and supporting one another. But as stated before I was a member here and I still consider myself one even though I know you guys don't. I never want to see anyone loose their hard earned money and that's something that will never maliciously happen by my hand. Only way I'm going anywhere is in a box 6 feet under or being drug out kicking and screaming by the man.
I respect that. To reiterate, the individual who has done business with you multiple times already spoke well of you in private. I will be waiting for your full product list to drop while watching T/A and customer service for everyone else. If trends are positive I will place a small trial order.
I respect that. To reiterate, the individual who has done business with you multiple times already spoke well of you in private. I will be waiting for your full product list to drop while watching T/A and customer service for everyone else. If trends are positive I will place a small trial order.

I respect that you've done your homework, instead of throwing your money against the wall to see what sticks.
43349686-7AAD-4EA0-884F-E865D6353BAA.jpeg Ordered some pharm grade hgh and 3 black kits grabbed geno 36iu pen and 45iu Nord cartridge.Very fast delivery everything looks good communication is on point!thanks AA appreciate fast delivery.​
@Anonymous_anabolics i see you have some Mig840. Was curious what you will be making with this carrier. I’ve been intrigued by it and the ability to make higher concentration of certain products . All about less volume but curious about the pip some people attribute to it.
Are we on Myogen Step 5 for the roll-out of the oils yet?

I'm working on the orals now. It's just a lot more time consuming than I had accounted on, my hands start cramping up from the GH and I have to stop and take a break.

I have a slight touch of OCD so everything has to be perfect. I'm sorry I can't just half-ass it and rush through it all.

Good things come to those who wait.
I'm working on the orals now. It's just a lot more time consuming than I had accounted on, my hands start cramping up from the GH and I have to stop and take a break.

I have a slight touch of OCD so everything has to be perfect. I'm sorry I can't just half-ass it and rush through it all.

Good things come to those who wait.
Would love to see a cialis & dapox combo!
@Anonymous_anabolics i see you have some Mig840. Was curious what you will be making with this carrier. I’ve been intrigued by it and the ability to make higher concentration of certain products . All about less volume but curious about the pip some people attribute to it.

I was playing around with some different things a little while back. Test C 400, Test E 400, Test A 200, Mast P 200, Tren A 200 and EQ 600. I didn't experience any kind of pip. As far as others complaints about pip. I'm not sure if you can attribute it to the high concentrations or a reaction to the mig840.
I was playing around with some different things a little while back. Test C 400, Test E 400, Test A 200, Mast P 200, Tren A 200 and EQ 600. I didn't experience any kind of pip. As far as others complaints about pip. I'm not sure if you can attribute it to the high concentrations or a reaction to the mig840.
The mast p 200 would be a great product!