The mast p 200 would be a great product!

I only made a small batch of like 5 vials to see how it went but would be very easy to scale it up. I thought it was pretty smooth with no pip and didn't hear any complaints from the one or two guys that tried it.

Once I get everything up and running I can add it in down the line but as it stands now I'm already spreading myself pretty thin.
Sorry if it was posted already, how much are the grey tops going to be and when will they be in?

I'm hoping as early as next week but who knows. It's in the hands of the shipping gods now. I've been saying my prayers and sacrificing virgins to them daily so hopefully they respond with a bountiful harvest and no issues.

I don't want to put a price on them until I have them in stock but thinking right around the black tops price point.
I'm hoping as early as next week but who knows. It's in the hands of the shipping gods now. I've been saying my prayers and sacrificing virgins to them daily so hopefully they respond with a bountiful harvest and no issues.

I don't want to put a price on them until I have them in stock but thinking right around the black tops price point.
They would probably like it if you sacrificed some sluts instead. Way more fun.
Yea I have....The last thing I read was AA put a list with no prices until he restocks..did I miss something?
He has prices on his HGH but isn’t ready to sell oils and what not yet. When he’s ready, he’ll be releasing pics of his lab setup as well as prices.
He has prices on his HGH but isn’t ready to sell oils and what not yet. When he’s ready, he’ll be releasing pics of his lab setup as well as prices.

Thanks T, I seen peeps talking about getting orders thought something change...thanks again brother:)
Thanks T, I seen peeps talking about getting orders thought something change...thanks again brother:)
Any time bro. I’m waiting patiently myself to see his prices.

FTR, some are ordering his HGH and I think he has sold a few oils, but nothing public yet.
WTF? 1 Day T/A? Good job @Anonymous_anabolics . I picked up 2 150IU/Black top kits. Getting baseline IGF-1 bloods tomorrow to compare these blacks to. Ill post up when peak blood test is taken after using the blacks. Stay safe fellas!