A distributor. I honestly don't know how else to answer that question that doesn't come off as me sounding like a dick. I want to keep this as transparent as possible but that's one area I'm not going to divulge.
Hahaha that’s like asking the dope man who is connect is ...
What would be a good dose of primo for a first run of it?
YouTube rich piana primobolan. He said it’s the worst compound. From what he was saying it’s extremely expensive to make and 99% of it is lightly dozed masteron, something to that effect. He said he couldn’t understand why it’s so popular when it’s the worst.
You know idk shit about aas so take it with a grain of salt. Just responded to you because I literally just watched the video 5 minutes ago coincidentally
Lots of positive talk about primo lately. I was under the impression it is a waste unless tren sides are too much for someone, then they could cut their tren dose in half and stack with primo to get similar but not the same effectiveness. But in that case, why not do the same thing with mast which is more cost effective.
Lots of positive talk about primo lately. I was under the impression it is a waste unless tren sides are too much for someone, then they could cut their tren dose in half and stack with primo to get similar but not the same effectiveness. But in that case, why not do the same thing with mast which is more cost effective.
I wouldn’t waste my money( $1500) cycle just because a couple board members had good experiences. If it’s so great then there should be tons of transformation logs where the user had incredible gains on primo alone.
Then there should be a two month recap to see how keepable the gains are. I love when people say keepable gains. Gtfoh!! They say the same with EQ and Var like you can look at someone and tell they ran a EQ or Primo cycle a year before. Keepable gains are made in the gym and in the kitchen. What gear you choose to achieve your goals is all personal preference.
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YouTube rich piana primobolan. He said it’s the worst compound. From what he was saying it’s extremely expensive to make and 99% of it is lightly dozed masteron, something to that effect. He said he couldn’t understand why it’s so popular when it’s the worst.
You know idk shit about aas so take it with a grain of salt. Just responded to you because I literally just watched the video 5 minutes ago coincidentally
Only have information from a friend who used it but had Pharma grade. He loved it and was only using Sust along with it. I definitely could notice a difference when he was using it. He got lean very quick.
I wouldn’t waste my money( $1500) cycle just because a couple board members had good experiences. If it’s so great then there should be tons of transformation logs where the user had incredible gains on primo alone.
Then there should be a two month recap to see how keepable the gains are. I love when people say keepable gains. Gtfoh!! They say the same with EQ and Var like you can look at someone and tell they ran a EQ or Primo cycle a year before. Keepable gains are made in the gym and in the kitchen. What gear you choose to achieve your goals is all personal preference.

Exactly. Couldn’t agree with you more.
Meant to post this yesterday I was just to busy, everything was smooth with @Anonymous_anabolics fill levels look even af as you all can see( besides one of the test I had to shoot 2.5cc of it lol) one of the test didn’t have a label but it has the same color crimp on it as other so I’m sure it’s right, thanks again AA


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Meant to post this yesterday I was just to busy, everything was smooth with @Anonymous_anabolics fill levels look even af as you all can see( besides one of the test I had to shoot 2.5cc of it lol) one of the test didn’t have a label but it has the same color crimp on it as other so I’m sure it’s right, thanks again AA

So that's where the label came from. I've been looking at this extra Test C label for like the past 2 weeks trying to figure out where it came from. Checked every vial of Test C (about 10 times now) and they were all good. I've been losing sleep over it, laying awake at night racking my brain. Fucking OCD!
So that's where the label came from. I've been looking at this extra Test C label for like the past 2 weeks trying to figure out where it came from. Checked every vial of Test C (about 10 times now) and they were all good. I've been losing sleep over it, laying awake at night racking my brain. Fucking OCD!
No big deal brother
Is there a list available?

He seems to operate like Craigslist for right now. If he has a few things he posts them and they go first come first serve. He’s got vials sanitizing for the last couple weeks since he posted photos of that. And he had hgh for a little bit. He’s selling but not really selling selling oils to people that contact him directly. But he’s a good guy that use to be a member of MESO so it’s cool. And that’s the only thing that really makes him a legit source at the moment.

Wait a minute. That can’t be right. That sounds like a shit show.
YouTube rich piana primobolan. He said it’s the worst compound. From what he was saying it’s extremely expensive to make and 99% of it is lightly dozed masteron, something to that effect. He said he couldn’t understand why it’s so popular when it’s the worst.
You know idk shit about aas so take it with a grain of salt. Just responded to you because I literally just watched the video 5 minutes ago coincidentally
Check out AL and you’ll see primo isn’t as faked as people make it out to be. Just like everyone fucking says all var is winny etc...
Check out AL and you’ll see primo isn’t as faked as people make it out to be. Just like everyone fucking says all var is winny etc...

I think you just need lots of primo to be effective and good. You want to run like 800-1000mg/week and if it's does 100mg/ml that's a fuck load of oil.

Isn't my favourite compound, and I get bad pip from it.
I think you just need lots of primo to be effective and good. You want to run like 800-1000mg/week and if it's does 100mg/ml that's a fuck load of oil.

Isn't my favourite compound, and I get bad pip from it.
I didn’t get any pip and had good results at 400mg. Most people don’t run it because based on a mg basis, there are other compounds that are so much more effective.