I'm out of town for the next day or two. Had to go help my grandparents. With all the rain we've been getting it's flooded their basement. I plan to be back ASAP. I'm not taking any orders while I'm gone. There's like 3 or 4 orders that stil have to go out. I will get them shipped out the minute I get back. Email replies will be a little slower than previously. Have been getting to a few at a time when I take the occasional break.
Same shit happened to a buddy of mine back in the day. House floods are no bueno
I'm out of town for the next day or two. Had to go help my grandparents. With all the rain we've been getting it's flooded their basement. I plan to be back ASAP. I'm not taking any orders while I'm gone. There's like 3 or 4 orders that stil have to go out. I will get them shipped out the minute I get back. Email replies will be a little slower than previously. Have been getting to a few at a time when I take the occasional break.
appreciate the transparency. Always good to help those in need.
Has anyone that is running his oils finished a bottle yet? I just finished a test c and it had 9ml in it, has anyone else noticed this?
Was it Does it feel
It's been raining almost everday for the last 2 weeks, ike torrential downpours. There's literally a river in their backyard.
yea its pretty horrible in the tri state. Im in north jersey and its nothing but hot humid and rain for 2 weeks and going to continue
Was it Does it feel

yea its pretty horrible in the tri state. Im in north jersey and its nothing but hot humid and rain for 2 weeks and going to continue
+1 tired of this weather. @Anonymous_anabolics take care of the family they went be around forever. If you are as lucky as them then you will want one of your family members to do it for you if you are lucky enough to live to their age.

+1 tired of this weather. @Anonymous_anabolics take care of the family they went be around forever. If you are as lucky as them then you will want one of your family members to do it for you if you are lucky enough to live to their age.


It's been kind of a shitty summer. Not only has it been raining like the past 3 weeks but seems like it rained almost every weekend on top of it. Not to mention it's been ungodly hot the entire time too. I'm just hoping this isn't some indication its gonna be a terrible winter too.

My grandparents are literally like my 2nd parents. My mom and I lived with them for like the first 7 or 8 years of my life. She was a single mother so my pop kind of became like my surrogate father figure. It sucks now that I've moved away and got a family of my own, I don't get to see them as often as I like. Especially considering my grandfather isn't in the best health.

Family is definitely important. They love you unconditionally and are there through thick and thin. Lately it's been one of those really thin times. Like one shitstorm after the next.

My parents just recently got divorced, after 20some years of marriage. My stepdad turned out to be a real piece of shit and my mom has been devastated. He left her practically penniless. She has a mediocre job but he was the main breadwinner in the family. She has barely any sort of retirement plan since she was banking on his when the time came. They took out a home equity loan to do some upgrades on the house right before this happened. He turned around and emptied their bank account instead of putting the money into the house. There's a laundry list of other despicable things I can't remember at the moment.

I helped her get the money together to buy a house. It's a small home but it's a real fixer upper so I've been there almost every weekend and some weeknights doing something that needs fixing and I'm trying to get the big shit done before winter. It's a 3 hour drive one way on top of that (without traffic). Took me almost 5 hours the one time.

Anyway what I'm getting at is it's really been slowing me down getting things up and running full force here. There's just not enough time in the day to get everything done. I even brought some shit with me. I'm up now in my hotel room working on capping more orals.
My apologies for rambling/venting. I hope you enjoyed the recent excerpt from "a day in the life of Anonymous Anabolics" - My autobiographical memoirs. Coming to a book store near you!
I'm out of town for the next day or two. Had to go help my grandparents. With all the rain we've been getting it's flooded their basement. I plan to be back ASAP. I'm not taking any orders while I'm gone. There's like 3 or 4 orders that stil have to go out. I will get them shipped out the minute I get back. Email replies will be a little slower than previously. Have been getting to a few at a time when I take the occasional break.
This is how it should be done. Completely transparent with everyone and giving updates on the situation. Hope family is ok. Had a similar situation this year.
It has come to my attention that the Meditrope factory is having some supply issues. Not sure how long they will be OOS. As soon as I get word I will let you know.

However I might have a new connection to AnkeBio Ansomones. Getting a few kits to check out and test. If all goes well, I'm thinking around $250 per 100iu kit.