Previous bloodwork results

Baseline - ......Serum....0.1.........Igf-1....230
Grey Tops - ....Serum....21.8.......Igf-1....385
Ansomone - ..Serum...16.0........Igf-1....480
Black Tops - ..Serum...27.8........Igf-1....426
Yellow Tops - Serum...15.8........Igf-1....415
*Zptropin ........Serum...40.2........Igf-1.....351
Mauve Tops... Serum..29.5........Igf-1......479

* = Running Mast P, NPP, Test A
☆ = 2iu daily dose
• = Running Tren A, Mast P, Test P
◇ = 3iu daily dose
All other tests were performed while running TEST only

Not sure if the Mast P or the 19-nors (Tren/NPP) caused my IGF-1 levels to drop.

On the Zptropin were you on 3 or 4 ius?
4ius. Everything was ran at 4ius unless otherwise noted

Odd that your serum was so much higher, but your IGF scores were low for 4ius compared to your base + other runs at same dose

And I was under the impression that Mast lowers SHGB which increases your free test, then NPP raises your IGF.
Odd that your serum was so much higher, but your IGF scores were low for 4ius compared to your base + other runs at same dose

And I was under the impression that Mast lowers SHGB which increases your free test, then NPP raises your IGF.

I've heard some guys say Tren crashed their igf-1. Since Npp is 19-nor is it possible it has the same effect? I don't know for sure. All just speculation.
I've heard some guys say Tren crashed their igf-1. Since Npp is 19-nor is it possible it has the same effect? I don't know for sure. All just speculation.

Yeah, I thought it was only Deca/NPP that had that synergistic effect with Mast.

@Roger rabbit I'm 99% sure you were the one that told me about this when explaining how it was the same principle as the winny/anadrol combo. Can you touch on this?
I've heard the same things but don't have any verified proof. TP got pretty heated when a friend asked him if this was true but he neither confirmed or denied it.
Intersting. So now it is possible Supertropin and Greys are the same. That sucks if true- the Anke Greys IMO have a better reputation than Supertropin.
Of course the rumor I heard before is that they both came from Anke and have always been the same but seems there was a 50/50 split on who believed that. I don't know what to believe.
Bottom line still is you have to trust your source. If the stuff works for me, I don't give two shits who made it or what they call it.
Intersting. So now it is possible Supertropin and Greys are the same. That sucks if true- the Anke Greys IMO have a better reputation than Supertropin.
Of course the rumor I heard before is that they both came from Anke and have always been the same but seems there was a 50/50 split on who believed that. I don't know what to believe.
Bottom line still is you have to trust your source. If the stuff works for me, I don't give two shits who made it or what they call it.

I'm sort of in agreement with that except I'm paying for a certain product I expect to receive it. If I wanted to buy supertropin I would. I did trust my supplier but if he's going to pull some back-handed shit like switching it to some other untested/unproven brand, I'll take my business elsewhere.

These "new" greys are definitely different. Even being shipped from a different location.
I'm sort of in agreement with that except I'm paying for a certain product I expect to receive it. If I wanted to buy supertropin I would. I did trust my supplier but if he's going to pull some back-handed shit like switching it to some other untested/unproven brand, I'll take my business elsewhere.

These "new" greys are definitely different. Even being shipped from a different location.
How recent is this with the greys? Any bloods out there on the “new” greys?
I just got some greys from tp alittle over a week ago. I don’t kno what the old ones look like but if you guys want I’ll post a pic of the vials if it’ll help you compare.
Janos testing on recent Greys


From July 28th.
Good looking out.

They seem to test very well but who knows. I knew I've seen it just couldn't remember which board. The fucker is on like 5 or 6 different boards now, out of nowhere too. Went from vetting all new customers to being on every board.
Good looking out.

They seem to test very well but who knows. I knew I've seen it just couldn't remember which board. The fucker is on like 5 or 6 different boards now, out of nowhere too. Went from vetting all new customers to being on every board.

Some competition in the gh world now and you can't be too stringent on who you sell too I guess.