I'm sort of in agreement with that except I'm paying for a certain product I expect to receive it. If I wanted to buy supertropin I would. I did trust my supplier but if he's going to pull some back-handed shit like switching it to some other untested/unproven brand, I'll take my business elsewhere.

These "new" greys are definitely different. Even being shipped from a different location.
I agree with you about price and transparency. Supertropins tend to be cheaper and to me, there is a reason for that. I have not ordered Supertropins, but I have possibly used them without being aware that is what I was actually getting and paying more than I would have if I had bought Supertropins directly.
As far as the difference in new and old greys, I have no idea but everyone is saying they are different.
Think they’re fake or just new?

It's coming from TP. I don't see him throwing his reputation down the drain carrying a subpar product. I'm just saying a little notice would be nice. It would've went much differently if he had said something before sending them out. Instead of just dropping it on his customers. Transparency goes a long way in this business.
that pic of the vial has the same cap darkness as my 'old' version of the greytop (quite a bit darker than maestro's pic). So I guess the website and code don't really mean shit unless they make a habit of changing the appearance of their tops.
He has changed the supplier on his greys (TP). The supertropin are supposedly still the same as his old greys. I went ahead and tried the new ones. I saw the testing on the new ones and they look great assuming the testing is legit. I doubt TP will be selling any garbage. He claims that the new greys are made in a different GMP factory same as the old. No way for me to confirm that of course.They are indeed shipped from a different location than before. I'll be doing igf1 testing on the new ones and I still have a couple hundred of the old ones to compare to.
Hopefully they will be as good as I have come to expect from TP. Even AA has to admit that TP has been golden over many years.
If not then there's always supertropin, though I've never dealt with those fellas. And AA carrying branded ansonome would be OK too. Just more expensive.
OH yeah AA, I wasn't clear who everyone was referring to when they said your previous handle until you started posting your historical bloods. I followed and commented on them in your PM thread. I hope you have practiced opsec for a while since your previous handle is well known. According to many mutual acquaintances you are good people. Good luck with your endeavor and stay safe. Don't let the lust money get you in trouble I can give you the benefit of my experience in that regard.
He has changed the supplier on his greys (TP). The supertropin are supposedly still the same as his old greys. I went ahead and tried the new ones. I saw the testing on the new ones and they look great assuming the testing is legit. I doubt TP will be selling any garbage. He claims that the new greys are made in a different GMP factory same as the old. No way for me to confirm that of course.They are indeed shipped from a different location than before. I'll be doing igf1 testing on the new ones and I still have a couple hundred of the old ones to compare to.
Hopefully they will be as good as I have come to expect from TP. Even AA has to admit that TP has been golden over many years.
If not then there's always supertropin, though I've never dealt with those fellas. And AA carrying branded ansonome would be OK too. Just more expensive.
OH yeah AA, I wasn't clear who everyone was referring to when they said your previous handle until you started posting your historical bloods. I followed and commented on them in your PM thread. I hope you have practiced opsec for a while since your previous handle is well known. According to many mutual acquaintances you are good people. Good luck with your endeavor and stay safe. Don't let the lust money get you in trouble I can give you the benefit of my experience in that regard.

I can see the top is a lighter shade but that's it. PM me if necessary but where are you seeing this was confirmed? Far as I've seen on multiple forums it's all speculation aside from the one positive Janos test.
TP has been solid over the years but then again so was PD and HK. Like we say about every source...your only as good as your last batch.

I hope they do test well. Shit I hope they test off the charts. But it's still fucked up to send out a new product without telling your customers. We're expecting the same greys we've been accustomed to for years.
Hey guys I just wanted to let everyone know i just had a TD on a pack from AA(Pfizer Cabaser). Its the second pack I've gotten from him, and same as last time, it was about a 5 day T/A.

Thank you for the top notch service and communication @Anonymous_anabolics.
I can see the top is a lighter shade but that's it. PM me if necessary but where are you seeing this was confirmed? Far as I've seen on multiple forums it's all speculation aside from the one positive Janos test.
He admitted it in his PM thread that they're different and jano posted testing on the new greys. I've confirmed with numerous people who have received recently and they are also coming from a different city on the mainland.
He admitted it in his PM thread that they're different and jano posted testing on the new greys. I've confirmed with numerous people who have received recently and they are also coming from a different city on the mainland.

With them coming from mainland and the new tariffs/trade war with China, I'm wondering if we'll see more customs seizures
that pic of the vial has the same cap darkness as my 'old' version of the greytop (quite a bit darker than maestro's pic). So I guess the website and code don't really mean shit unless they make a habit of changing the appearance of their tops.
TP made the website and codes. That's why they always shipped separately.
TP has been solid over the years but then again so was PD and HK. Like we say about every source...your only as good as your last batch.

I hope they do test well. Shit I hope they test off the charts. But it's still fucked up to send out a new product without telling your customers. We're expecting the same greys we've been accustomed to for years.

Communication has never been TP's strongest asset. Products always seem to have been solid though.