I’ve hit quads and glutes with it

How long does it last and how long after you inject does it happen?

Otherwise it would be cool if AA chimed in what his BA/BB ratios are for the Test C. The carrier oils and any solvents that are in the solution to see if you haven't used any of those things that you may be reacting to.
So far npp and tren do it to me. Tren base mainly. I’d like to know the exact science behind this. My cough is a very intense burning sensation in my lungs. I actually have to take a knee. Makes me feel so alive![emoji1373]

Also, just to clarify. None of what does this to me came from AA. I’ve figured this out over the years with many different brands.
Does BA also make someone cough? Only reason I ask is I’ve pinned a couple different compounds and had it make me cough for a minute for so. Nothing major like I’ve heard with tren but I was fine until I pinned.
Does BA also make someone cough? Only reason I ask is I’ve pinned a couple different compounds and had it make me cough for a minute for so. Nothing major like I’ve heard with tren but I was fine until I pinned.

Dunno ‍♂️ brutha. I hope someone can bring science to the table and explain this
With tren I know quick if I’m gonna get it, usually I get like .3-.5ml in and can feel my lungs getting heavy and tight
How long does it last and how long after you inject does it happen?

Otherwise it would be cool if AA chimed in what his BA/BB ratios are for the Test C. The carrier oils and any solvents that are in the solution to see if you haven't used any of those things that you may be reacting to.

Test C is 2% BA 18%BB. No other solvents. Mct oil/Hemp oil blend.
It’s up to you brother, if you want me to try it and see if it’s different I will, I’m not like a lot of guys on here that ask for replacements on everything

I don't want you using something that is causing some kind of negative reaction. It's one thing if it was causing a little PIP. I'd tell you to stop being such a pussy...LOL!!

Seriously I would feel more comfortable if we switched it out. Email me and we'll figure something out.
Did some research and found this....

Serious pulmonary oil microembolism (POME) reactions, involving cough, urge to cough, dyspnea, hyperhidrosis, throat tightening, chest pain, dizziness, and syncope, have been reported to occur during or immediately after the injection of intramuscular testosterone. POME is believed to be caused by tiny droplets of oil that have traveled to the lungs. Among 3,556 patients tested worldwide, 9 POME events occurred in 8 patients.