Anyone know how fragile hcg is, like if the vial fell down one level in the fridge would that ruin it? I’ve heard people say that you have to be super gentle with it so idk
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lol and whoops I meant to say vial not vile. I can’t imagine it being so fragile that a 1’ fall could make it worthless tho

And how come when I put in emojis they never post lol

Gotta use Tapatalk for your emoji game to step up brudda[emoji4][emoji1373]‍♂️[emoji533][emoji237][emoji817][emoji91][emoji243][emoji243][emoji243][emoji33][emoji33][emoji857][emoji857]
Gotta use Tapatalk for your emoji game to step up brudda[emoji4][emoji1373]‍♂️[emoji533][emoji237][emoji817][emoji91][emoji243][emoji243][emoji243][emoji33][emoji33][emoji857][emoji857]

Ah I’ll have to look into taptalk cause I do like using emojis and my iPhone 8 has new ones my older iPhones didn’t have lol
Anyone know how fragile hcg is, like if the vial fell down one level in the fridge would that ruin it? I’ve heard people say that you have to be super gentle with it so idk
My understanding is that it’s not AS fragile as they say. If it has gone cloudy after the drop or a shaking, it’s no good.
My understanding is that it’s not AS fragile as they say. If it has gone cloudy after the drop or a shaking, it’s no good.

Thanks bro, I mean if it was that fragile it probably wouldn’t survive being shipped, let alone user error. Just looked at the vial just to be certain and besides the condensation on the outside it’s still clear.
Thanks bro, I mean if it was that fragile it probably wouldn’t survive being shipped, let alone user error. Just looked at the vial just to be certain and besides the condensation on the outside it’s still clear.
No prob bro! I presume you dropped it after it was reconstituted, and not just the powder? And you’re right, they the ship the stuff both ways, whether powder or liquid form.
No prob bro! I presume you dropped it after it was reconstituted, and not just the powder? And you’re right, they the ship the stuff both ways, whether powder or liquid form.

Reconstituted, I made the mistake of putting the vial towards the back of the fridge and didn’t realize there was a small gap between the shelf and back, plus I didn’t mention to anyone that it was back there lol

I think the liquid form in the preloaded syringes are the synthetic kind, especially if they’re expensive and the powder is natural, according to the hcg article on this site.
Reconstituted, I made the mistake of putting the vial towards the back of the fridge and didn’t realize there was a small gap between the shelf and back, plus I didn’t mention to anyone that it was back there lol

I think the liquid form in the preloaded syringes are the synthetic kind, especially if they’re expensive and the powder is natural, according to the hcg article on this site.
Doesn’t sound like a far drop at all. I’d say you’re good, though I’m no HCG expert.
Previous bloodwork results

Baseline - ......Serum....0.1.........Igf-1....230
Grey Tops - ....Serum....21.8.......Igf-1....385
Ansomone - ..Serum...16.0........Igf-1....480
Black Tops - ..Serum...27.8........Igf-1....426
Yellow Tops - Serum...15.8........Igf-1....415
*Zptropin ........Serum...40.2........Igf-1.....351
Mauve Tops... Serum..29.5........Igf-1......479

* = Running Mast P, NPP, Test A
☆ = 2iu daily dose
• = Running Tren A, Mast P, Test P
◇ = 3iu daily dose
All other tests were performed while running TEST only

Not sure if the Mast P or the 19-nors (Tren/NPP) caused my IGF-1 levels to drop.
Previous bloodwork results

Baseline - ......Serum....0.1.........Igf-1....230
Grey Tops - ....Serum....21.8.......Igf-1....385
Ansomone - ..Serum...16.0........Igf-1....480
Black Tops - ..Serum...27.8........Igf-1....426
Yellow Tops - Serum...15.8........Igf-1....415
*Zptropin ........Serum...40.2........Igf-1.....351
Mauve Tops... Serum..29.5........Igf-1......479

* = Running Mast P, NPP, Test A
☆ = 2iu daily dose
• = Running Tren A, Mast P, Test P
◇ = 3iu daily dose
All other tests were performed while running TEST only

Not sure if the Mast P or the 19-nors (Tren/NPP) caused my IGF-1 levels to drop.
Afaik tren and nand INCREASE igf.
Serms can decrease it, but prob only by a negligible amount to aas users .