You try the injectable drol I sent ya? I think AA could market injectable adrol

Bro ive blown up in two days lol and im not joking. The day I pinned it I felt the pumps. Today (2nd Day) my pumps were borderline painful. And it feels like my pump just stays with me all day after the gym.

Definitely something we need domestic..cough..cough
HCG does signal the testes to produce testosterone..but if you have an exogenous testosterone source, the pituitary is getting told that it does not need to send a signal to the testes to produce testosterone. Which is why testicular atrophy occurs.

Atrophy doesn't occur on cycle if using HCG. This is because it does work. I'm confused why you would think the HCG isn't working if it reverses atrophy.

You missed my point bro - the HCG will only restart test production as long as you are on it. Once you stop, so does the test production, because it’s artificially “restarting” it. Nolva and Clomid will actually get the body restarting test production even after you get off of it (unless your body can no longer recover). Does that make sense now?

I’m not saying I know this for a fact - I’m trying to figure out if this is correct, as this is my understanding of HCG and Nolva & Clomid.

HCG alone can restart you.

Clomiphene citrate and human chorionic gonadotropin are both effective in restoring testosterone in hypogonadism: a short-course randomized study. - PubMed - NCBI
Other than wanting to be fertile, I don’t fully understand why you fellas want hcg just so your balls can hang down like a turkey’s wattle (which is the loose red skin that hangs from their neck. Yeah I had to google the correct term cause I’ve always called it a gobbler :p)
But like I’ve said before, I like the atrophy look on me. This way I can say that I’m all dick, and it will actually be the honest truth :oops::D

I know very little on hcg and other things around that topic so I’m enjoying the info and discussions being shared in this thread.
Good shit!!
Other than wanting to be fertile, I don’t fully understand why you fellas want hcg just so your balls can hang down like a turkey’s wattle (which is the loose red skin that hangs from their neck. Yeah I had to google the correct term cause I’ve always called it a gobbler :p)
But like I’ve said before, I like the atrophy look on me. This way I can say that I’m all dick, and it will actually be the honest truth :oops::D

I know very little on hcg and other things around that topic so I’m enjoying the info and discussions being shared in this thread.
Good shit!!

Meh who cares about ball size? Idc and neither do 99.9% of women, only the size they of your metaphoric balls. I care about functionality and fertility.
What would you guys think about some holographic labels like this...
View attachment 96761

Of course it will have my logo and product name on it. I want to stick with the clear labels but would this make it too hard to see? It's too time consuming to keep printing them with my little label maker. Plus I'll be able to use my label machine to apply them even faster.

Mmm yummy, I would keep something like the labels you have now with a small hologram like that thrown on it. To me, the see through label with basic font does it. Ppl add too much creativity and just make it look cheesy. Either way, it’s whats inside that counts so I could give 2 fucks what’s on the outside. Sharpie each bottle and give each compound a secret name like tren would be “Golden shower” and sust could be “horse piss”. I’d buy all of it.. But that’s just my chime in!
Atrophy doesn't occur on cycle if using HCG. This is because it does work. I'm confused why you would think the HCG isn't working if it reverses atrophy.
Atrophy of the nuts aside bro - not questioning that aspect. I know that’s mainly what HCG is used for on cycle.

This study doesn’t say whether or not you have to continue to remain on the HCG to maintain test production.

Here’s what I’m getting at bro: someone told me that the ONLY PCT I need is 5000 iu of HCG - no need for Nolva and/or Clomid. From everything I’m reading, HCG alone is NOT sufficient to restart test production for the long term, meaning it is artificial and shortly after stopping HCG for PCT, your body will not continue to produce test on its own. Whereas a PCT with Nolva & Clomid will start back up your test production and your body will continue natural test production even after the PCT is completed. I hope I’m wording this right.

Like this - why would Scally come up with Power PCT which includes Nolva & Clomid after priming the testicles with HCG instead of just saying “blast yourself with 15,000 iu of HCG over a course of xx weeks and that’s all you need for a successful PCT”? If I can restart my natural test after a month or 2 of JUST HCG, I’d hop on that and avoid the Nolva & Clomid.
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