BuyDeus - Official Distributors of Deus Medical (AAS, Peptides, SARMs, PCT) - EU Domestic & Global

Did she ever show dem titties?? You know I'm pretty new here and I ain't seen no damn titties yet and that's one of the reasons I came here in the first place! What's wrong with a guy that likes him some titties wanting to some titties?!? Dump em out! ... Please?...
Good day,

Is ITALYAAS on telegram one of your official resellers?

You can check all of the official distributors here:


For example, when you enter "" you will see that we are official distributors. You can enter their email or website.

Let me know if you have any other questions :)

Yes :)
Please visit:


We have permission to use the lab results from Deus power. Im also attaching the lab test to this comment.

Let me know if you got any questions.

I have used your NPP before and seen pretty good results. Also some of the Vials were only .8ml and not 1ml. I messaged a rep about it with pictures and new product was sent out. I will say I was impressed with the service. I also used your proviron 25mg and had the desired results.
This is just bro science observations but I had a positive experience with them in the past for what it's worth. I can't speak to about this distributor but just the product.
What's your reshipment/seizure policy for packages inbound to the USA? Pretty sure if they go via Chicago ICS, they are pretty much gone.
Hello :)
You can see our reshipment policy here:

We do reship packages in the US if they get seized by customs. We also use discreet shipping so seizure rate is about 1-3%.

Let me know if you have any questions! :)

Hello guys,
We have some good news for you today :)
We all know that many of the athletes in the Olympics are (or were) on PEDs (let's hope they are at least using our products? :) ).
Since the summer Olympics takes place every 4 years, In order to celebrate this wonderful and historic tradition which happened for the first time in 1896 Greece, we decided to offer 4% discount on all our products. In addition, you can get 4 Euro in store credit if you sign at our website for the first time :)

To make it even more interesting, we decided to offer some prizes :
  • 1st Prize: Whoever can guess how many medals in total will be won the by country with the most awarded medals (Gold, Silver & Bronze) will win 100 Euro in store credits. (1 Winner - the first who guesses right, or the closest guess wins)
  • 2nd prize: Whoever can guess which 5 countries will get the most gold medals (specify their order). (Up to 3 winners - each wins 1 Box of Tamoxifen incl. shipping).
Those prizes will help you to PCT in time for the next summer Olympics in Paris ;)
Rules: Promo ends when the Olympics ends, one win per person. There might be winners from other forums (like Reddit) as well.
Post your guesses here in the comments (comments are not allowed to be edited - otherwise it doesn't count)

And some other news: Very soon (in the next few days) we will have a new credit card processor that does not require KYC!
Let the games begin :)
I bought shit from these people because of this thread. They sent me the wrong fucking items. Not what I ordered. Oh well.
@BuyDeus Is your site down ??
Hey, site only down for 15 minutes for maintenance. We are working on a new credit card processing solution.
I bought shit from these people because of this thread. They sent me the wrong fucking items. Not what I ordered. Oh well.
Hello :)
We use discreet shipping. Please open the packages and you should find what you have ordered inside.

If not, please send us an email to: and i will take care of it ASAP.

Hey, site only down for 15 minutes for maintenance. We are working on a new credit card processing solution.

Hello :)
We use discreet shipping. Please open the packages and you should find what you have ordered inside.

If not, please send us an email to: and i will take care of it ASAP.

I was actually really pissed when I saw the discreet package, until I opened that package.

Then I got pissed again when I saw y’all sent me the wrong stuff. It’s not that the stuff you sent me is bad, it’s fine… you just sent the wrong items. I’ll send an email tomorrow, thanks.