BuyDeus - Official Distributors of Deus Medical (AAS, Peptides, SARMs, PCT) - EU Domestic & Global

Hey guys :)
Credit card processing should be back soon. For now, you can use Wise to pay with a credit/debit card.

Dont forget to use the coupon code MESO5 for a 5% discount on all orders.

FYI.. I've advised the seller to change or upgrade their shipping habits and add better stealth to all their mails and packs. Reasons, package from them is being routed to ISC Chicago and currently being seized by US Custom. So if your package is being handled by ISC Chicago and it's been over 3-5days- you can pretty much can kiss that order goodbye.
FYI.. I've advised the seller to change or upgrade their shipping habits and add better stealth to all their mails and packs. Reasons, package from them is being routed to ISC Chicago and currently being seized by US Custom. So if your package is being handled by ISC Chicago and it's been over 3-5days- you can pretty much can kiss that order goodbye.

The shipper is actually DeusPower so you would best send complaints about stealth to them. Not hating on BuyDeus tho, their prices are cheaper than DeusPower by a bit, but yeah DP (pun not intended) are the official shippers and most dropship

They all have the same stealth, almost all deus sellers.

There is probably only so much stealth they can do and the stealth does look cool but I guess you just can't change it too much when hiding full strips of tablets and a bunch of amps. Even if they open the package and check the amps it even says on the amps what the product is, they would need to redesign all the amps to hide it
The shipper is actually DeusPower so you would best send complaints about stealth to them. Not hating on BuyDeus tho, their prices are cheaper than DeusPower by a bit, but yeah DP (pun not intended) are the official shippers and most dropship

They all have the same stealth, almost all deus sellers.

There is probably only so much stealth they can do and the stealth does look cool but I guess you just can't change it too much when hiding full strips of tablets and a bunch of amps. Even if they open the package and check the amps it even says on the amps what the product is, they would need to redesign all the amps to hide it
Just telling them and potential buyer what's currently happening with package being sent by them or their shipper. This way, they can improve or change how they ship-- thus reducing customer getting a seizure letter and reshipping orders.
Just telling them and potential buyer what's currently happening with package being sent by them or their shipper. This way, they can improve or change how they ship-- thus reducing customer getting a seizure letter and reshipping orders.
This is excactly why ExpressPCT has stopped shipping Deus to the US awhile ago. Amps do not make it through Chicago Customs. If you're lucky and it routes through New York , then you have a chance.. But I agree with @Flaming Dragon that these Deus Medical suppliers need to be upfront and customers made aware of the almost 100% certainty that packs routing through Chicago is a black hole.
If anyone received a seizure letter, it's best to get a refund, as your name and address is now on the US Custom database. All packages that comes across the pond with your name and address will be screen 3x times before being release. Worse case, you'll get a control delivery equals not going to be a good day!
Customs everywhere are stepping up. I’m getting stuff seized within Eu to EU now like. They’re all looking out for something.