BuyDeus - Official Distributors of Deus Medical (AAS, Peptides, SARMs, PCT) - EU Domestic & Global

Hello :)

Its very rare that we ask those things, this is because Transferwise (Wise) sometimes needs this information. Otherwise, we won't be able to receive the money.

Very soon we will have our own CC processing and it will be much easier to pay with your credit card.

Hello :)
Please provide me with an order number so that I can check the batch.

I have never heard anything bad about our Dbol. Also, its such a cheap compound that it would not make sense for any vendor to fake or underdose it.

Hey look you get someone telling you your dianabol is underdosed and you reply with: "I'll check the batch".

Why didn't you check the batch earlier before shipping it out then? Or is that too much to ask from a source?

As for me, I don't know anything about Transferwise but I'm not going to give you my ID with all my credentials so the police can have an easier time proving I'm guilty if my package gets caught. Never had this with other sources.
Someone in DUESPOWER said that the dbol is fake and then this guy shows up and says its underdosed, coincidence ? I think not. You should pull the dbol and replace it with a new batch.
Hello :)

Its very rare that we ask those things, this is because Transferwise (Wise) sometimes needs this information. Otherwise, we won't be able to receive the money.

Very soon we will have our own CC processing and it will be much easier to pay with your credit card.

Hello :)
Please provide me with an order number so that I can check the batch.

I have never heard anything bad about our Dbol. Also, its such a cheap compound that it would not make sense for any vendor to fake or underdose it.

Hey look you get someone telling you your dianabol is underdosed and you reply with: "I'll check the batch".

Why didn't you check the batch earlier before shipping it out then? Or is that too much to ask from a source?

As for me, I don't know anything about Transferwise but I'm not going to give you my ID with all my credentials so the police can have an easier time proving I'm guilty if my package gets caught. Never had this with other sources.
Hello again :)
Then simply don't pay using Transferwise, nobody forced you into giving us your ID or your personal information. Kevin simply contacted you and explained the situation.

In a few days we will have new CC processing which will make things a bit easier.

Regarding Dbol - we check the batches regularly of all products.

Hello :)
I would need your order number, not the batch number. You can also share it with my in private if you prefer.
Hello again :)
Then simply don't pay using Transferwise, nobody forced you into giving us your ID or your personal information. Kevin simply contacted you and explained the situation.

In a few days we will have new CC processing which will make things a bit easier.

Regarding Dbol - we check the batches regularly of all products.

Hello :)
I would need your order number, not the batch number. You can also share it with my in private if you prefer.
Why is the batch number not enough? My order number is connected to the address this product was sent to. You can see how this request could be worrying.
Hello again :)
Then simply don't pay using Transferwise, nobody forced you into giving us your ID or your personal information. Kevin simply contacted you and explained the situation.

In a few days we will have new CC processing which will make things a bit easier.

Regarding Dbol - we check the batches regularly of all products.

Hello :)
I would need your order number, not the batch number. You can also share it with my in private if you prefer.
I used bank transfer, not Transferwise, but if it automatically uses Transferwise then w/e, still don't see why you didn't ask for the info beforehand, and now that I provided it to you it still takes 3 days for confirmation for an order of the magnitude of a WHOLE 49 Euros. Damn.

From now on I'll use cryptocurrency, but this all reeks of an upcoming exit scam to me.

At least I hope the other person's DBOL issue will get resolved, or do you need the diameter of his asshole to confirm the issue?
Hello again :)
Then simply don't pay using Transferwise, nobody forced you into giving us your ID or your personal information. Kevin simply contacted you and explained the situation.

In a few days we will have new CC processing which will make things a bit easier.

Regarding Dbol - we check the batches regularly of all products.

Hello :)
I would need your order number, not the batch number. You can also share it with my in private if you prefer.
Then how come the dbol is fake ?
Why is the batch number not enough? My order number is connected to the address this product was sent to. You can see how this request could be worrying.
We need to know you purchased the product from us. Otherwise, anyone can post a batch number here and say random things about our products.

Also, in case we would want to compensate you, I would have to know the order ID :)

The company checks each batch. If there is a problem with a batch, it won't get to customers. Just because you felt it was underdosed also doesn't mean it was underdosed.

I used bank transfer, not Transferwise, but if it automatically uses Transferwise then w/e, still don't see why you didn't ask for the info beforehand, and now that I provided it to you it still takes 3 days for confirmation for an order of the magnitude of a WHOLE 49 Euros. Damn.

From now on I'll use cryptocurrency, but this all reeks of an upcoming exit scam to me.

At least I hope the other person's DBOL issue will get resolved, or do you need the diameter of his asshole to confirm the issue?
The whole order confirmation process is automated. Usually it is updated within a few hours after paying. When transferwise asks for those details, it takes a few days to confirm, so your case was pretty rare.

If you need any help with paying, please let me know :)
Then how come the dbol is fake ?
If you think the dbol is fake, please back up your claims.

We need to know you purchased the product from us. Otherwise, anyone can post a batch number here and say random things about our products.

Also, in case we would want to compensate you, I would have to know the order ID :)

The company checks each batch. If there is a problem with a batch, it won't get to customers. Just because you felt it was underdosed also doesn't mean it was underdosed.

The whole order confirmation process is automated. Usually it is updated within a few hours after paying. When transferwise asks for those details, it takes a few days to confirm, so your case was pretty rare.

If you need any help with paying, please let me know :)

If you think the dbol is fake, please back up your claims.

The first one is from a new user, which still didnt share his order ID with us, so we can't even know if he bought it from us. And even if he bought it from us, it still his personal experience and not evidence. As you know, those things tend to be very subjective.

The second one is from October 2020, a year ago. Also, at the same time (October 2020) the dbol was sent to Janoshik and came in range and legit, see our product page for the test:

We are selling much more expensive compounds, we would not risk our reputation for dbol which is literally one of the cheapest steroids to make :)

The first one is from a new user, which still didnt share his order ID with us, so we can't even know if he bought it from us. And even if he bought it from us, it still his personal experience and not evidence. As you know, those things tend to be very subjective.

The second one is from October 2020, a year ago. Also, at the same time (October 2020) the dbol was sent to Janoshik and came in range and legit, see our product page for the test:

We are selling much more expensive compounds, we would not risk our reputation for dbol which is literally one of the cheapest steroids to make :)

Alright I bought your product through your distributor ExpressPEDs. My order number was 12419. I did actually see the October 2020 test result from Janoshik on ExpressPEDs website, however, that doesn’t mean the batch a year later would be of the same quality. I understand you wouldn’t intentionally want to under dose your product but I’m not the only one that’s raised concern over the quality of your dbol tabs.
Alright I bought your product through your distributor ExpressPEDs. My order number was 12419. I did actually see the October 2020 test result from Janoshik on ExpressPEDs website, however, that doesn’t mean the batch a year later would be of the same quality. I understand you wouldn’t intentionally want to under dose your product but I’m not the only one that’s raised concern over the quality of your dbol tabs.
Kindly contact the vendor you bought it from. Its their responsibility as distributors :)

Alright I bought your product through your distributor ExpressPEDs. My order number was 12419. I did actually see the October 2020 test result from Janoshik on ExpressPEDs website, however, that doesn’t mean the batch a year later would be of the same quality. I understand you wouldn’t intentionally want to under dose your product but I’m not the only one that’s raised concern over the quality of your dbol tabs.

BuyDeus and ExpressPEDs are both resellers, buydeus just brands themselves as deus but are 100% not deus

They all ship from the same warehouse too, they are all dropshippers, it's all bs. Whatever batches one has another has so it affects all resellers of deus, they are all from the same warehouse and same stealth

buydeus, expresspeds, thundermuscle, steroidify, naps all sell Deus from the exact same tiny country, when are suppliers gonna do something unique.
BuyDeus and ExpressPEDs are both resellers, buydeus just brands themselves as deus but are 100% not deus

They all ship from the same warehouse too, they are all dropshippers, it's all bs. Whatever batches one has another has so it affects all resellers of deus, they are all from the same warehouse and same stealth

buydeus, expresspeds, thundermuscle, steroidify, naps all sell Deus from the exact same tiny country, when are suppliers gonna do something unique.
Hello :)
It says right in the page title "Distributors". Not sure what you are talking about.

In any case, I already answered all of this before. You seem to come to this thread every week and repeat the same statements and i'm not going through it again.

Not to mention, we also ship from the US.

If you have any questions as a customer, please let me know :)

Have a great day :)
Hello :)
It says right in the page title "Distributors". Not sure what you are talking about.

In any case, I already answered all of this before. You seem to come to this thread every week and repeat the same statements and i'm not going through it again.

Not to mention, we also ship from the US.

If you have any questions as a customer, please let me know :)

Have a great day :)

Hey Amanda, don't take it the wrong way. I just like to complain but I have nothing against you, it was more aimed at the guy who believes Deus Medical is your brand, nothing wrong with correcting someone where I can?

It's just my opinion too, it is great you ship from the US but we can all admit deus medical dropshippers are appearing from all directions lol

It is just my opinion but dropshippers are bs, they take the low risk option and it normally means somewhere there is a cheaper way of getting the same products, don't take that as hostility against your own brand but just dropshippers in general

First for those who don't have the time to read the whole email or don't want to do so, in short: it's quite clear that my order is lost and Buydeus doesn't help.

I ordered 2 Lgd4033 on September 10th on (order #6081).
I'm French, the package arrived in France on September 22th, everything was fine until then.
The following week I contacted the French mail service because the status of the shipment had not changed for a few days.
The mail service told me that the package was stuck somewhere near the city I live in because the sender provided an incomplete address, lacking street name and street number.
I provided this information to the mail service and asked them to actualize the address, but my request wasn't taken into account fast enough and the package was returned to Buydeus a few days later.
The address that I provided to Buydeus when I placed the order was complete and correct, I still have the confirmation email.
It was the exact same address as the one I provided to the mail service: my address.
Then I emailed Buydeus.
They answered that they thought they wrote the address right, that they needed to see the package before deciding who had to pay for the reship (such a nice experience as a client to be suspected of lying...) and that it might "take time" because they "have a lot of issues handling returning orders".
I politely threatened them to review my experience here if they didn't reship soon after they receive the package (I don't like doing that).
The shipment is back in Lithuania and its status hasn't changed for 11 days, so I suppose it's lost.
I emailed Buydeus last Thursday, asking if they could contact the Lithuanian mail service. They refused.
I emailed them again earlier today, asking if they could stop waiting for the probably lost package and send me the 2 ligandrol. No answer so far.

If I don't get my order, I'll ask Wise to do a chargeback.
I'll keep you posted and will also update this message if I finally get the order, but I don't think so.

Sorry for any English mistake.

First for those who don't have the time to read the whole email or don't want to do so, in short: it's quite clear that my order is lost and Buydeus doesn't help.

I ordered 2 Lgd4033 on September 10th on (order #6081).
I'm French, the package arrived in France on September 22th, everything was fine until then.
The following week I contacted the French mail service because the status of the shipment had not changed for a few days.
The mail service told me that the package was stuck somewhere near the city I live in because the sender provided an incomplete address, lacking street name and street number.
I provided this information to the mail service and asked them to actualize the address, but my request wasn't taken into account fast enough and the package was returned to Buydeus a few days later.
The address that I provided to Buydeus when I placed the order was complete and correct, I still have the confirmation email.
It was the exact same address as the one I provided to the mail service: my address.
Then I emailed Buydeus.
They answered that they thought they wrote the address right, that they needed to see the package before deciding who had to pay for the reship (such a nice experience as a client to be suspected of lying...) and that it might "take time" because they "have a lot of issues handling returning orders".
I politely threatened them to review my experience here if they didn't reship soon after they receive the package (I don't like doing that).
The shipment is back in Lithuania and its status hasn't changed for 11 days, so I suppose it's lost.
I emailed Buydeus last Thursday, asking if they could contact the Lithuanian mail service. They refused.
I emailed them again earlier today, asking if they could stop waiting for the probably lost package and send me the 2 ligandrol. No answer so far.

If I don't get my order, I'll ask Wise to do a chargeback.
I'll keep you posted and will also update this message if I finally get the order, but I don't think so.

Sorry for any English mistake.
Personally never had any problems with their shipping and customer service, im sure it will get resolved sooner or later

First for those who don't have the time to read the whole email or don't want to do so, in short: it's quite clear that my order is lost and Buydeus doesn't help.

I ordered 2 Lgd4033 on September 10th on (order #6081).
I'm French, the package arrived in France on September 22th, everything was fine until then.
The following week I contacted the French mail service because the status of the shipment had not changed for a few days.
The mail service told me that the package was stuck somewhere near the city I live in because the sender provided an incomplete address, lacking street name and street number.
I provided this information to the mail service and asked them to actualize the address, but my request wasn't taken into account fast enough and the package was returned to Buydeus a few days later.
The address that I provided to Buydeus when I placed the order was complete and correct, I still have the confirmation email.
It was the exact same address as the one I provided to the mail service: my address.
Then I emailed Buydeus.
They answered that they thought they wrote the address right, that they needed to see the package before deciding who had to pay for the reship (such a nice experience as a client to be suspected of lying...) and that it might "take time" because they "have a lot of issues handling returning orders".
I politely threatened them to review my experience here if they didn't reship soon after they receive the package (I don't like doing that).
The shipment is back in Lithuania and its status hasn't changed for 11 days, so I suppose it's lost.
I emailed Buydeus last Thursday, asking if they could contact the Lithuanian mail service. They refused.
I emailed them again earlier today, asking if they could stop waiting for the probably lost package and send me the 2 ligandrol. No answer so far.

If I don't get my order, I'll ask Wise to do a chargeback.
I'll keep you posted and will also update this message if I finally get the order, but I don't think so.

Sorry for any English mistake.
Kevin here.
I am the one that dealt (and still am) with your case via email.

Please understand that our store has several layers of operation.
I have compared the address given by you to the one in some of our records and found them matching exactly. I am now trying to see if we have an image of your package just before it was shipped to see if a wrong address was PHYSICALLY written on it, but this is the final place that we could have had a mistake at.

I have also replied to you that reshipping a lost package depends on whose mistake that was, and at this time, I honestly do not see (perhaps yet?) that we have done something wrong.

Contacting the post office now will not yield anything, as we have no power over them and they can't help us in any way.

We have also emailed you back yesterday after you emailed us, so by no means, we are trying to ignore you or something like that.

I hope you can relate to the fact that we can not reship a package free of charge if you have entered a wrong address and as a result of that it was lost. But we are not saying you have, we are still checking that.

Last edited:
Hello Kevin,
Thank you for your message and for your email.
As I wrote, the address that I provided to you was correct and I can send you a proof of address if necessary...
Here's the tracking link that you sent to me: ALL-IN-ONE PACKAGE TRACKING | 17TRACK.
It seems that the package is lost.

Keep me posted please.
Hello Kevin,
Thank you for your message and for your email.
As I wrote, the address that I provided to you was correct and I can send you a proof of address if necessary...
Here's the tracking link that you sent to me: ALL-IN-ONE PACKAGE TRACKING | 17TRACK.
It seems that the package is lost.

Keep me posted please.
I've experienced a shipment similar to this with a vendor out of Thailand. Informed Delivery showed pack making it to New York awaiting customs. The next update showed pack being returned to sender. What I was told was that the label had become unreadable after its last scan into New York. So pack was for all purposes was " lost " as that return address was fictitious. As this was just a freak incident and neither party was to blame, the vendor agreed to 50/50 reship of original order. Hope you guys can resolve this satisfactory to both parties!!