Can I run tren again after being hospitalized by it?

I know we get along.

Remember how you sometimes mistook me for being angry because of a language barrier? When I am not

This is kind of the opposite. Guy would instigate arguments if I stopped attacking him. Repeatedly tagging me and other users like @Fattyone
Maybe he just wanted attention lol. I don't know, maybe I didn't follow around and read those posts of his that you talk about. Or maybe I just skipped through all of that and only read when he actually wrote something interesting and worthy. Either way, I have no problem with him posting what he posts, some of the stuff is alien conspiracy theory, but I select what to read and what to filter out.
Pulled labs after 5 days of 5mg ED and the results are good so far. The earlier was 6 weeks ago on 250 test 6mg rad140 ED. I think doing all of the cardio I’ve been has helped my cholesterol, it is t perfect but it’s pretty damn improved. Liver is good still. Planning to pull liver labs again in 5-7 days.


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Pulled labs after 5 days of 5mg ED and the results are good so far. The earlier was 6 weeks ago on 250 test 6mg rad140 ED. I think doing all of the cardio I’ve been has helped my cholesterol, it is t perfect but it’s pretty damn improved. Liver is good still. Planning to pull liver labs again in 5-7 days.
Your current CMP looks better than mine always do. You need to figure out what happened to your liver though. As expected, it probably wasn’t the tren but something serious happened and you need to find an endo to discuss and check for specific diseases that could have caused that as you may have another flare up
Your current CMP looks better than mine always do. You need to figure out what happened to your liver though. As expected, it probably wasn’t the tren but something serious happened and you need to find an endo to discuss and check for specific diseases that could have caused that as you may have another flare up
I’d say it wasn’t the tren but it’s very weird that it also happened while running rad140. I’ll go ahead and contact my old hepatologist. Last time I went to the hospital I know they dozens if not hundreds of different blood tests to check for stuff. Got a liver scan and it was normal except slightly large but they weren’t concerned about that. Thanks!
I’d say it wasn’t the tren but it’s very weird that it also happened while running rad140. I’ll go ahead and contact my old hepatologist. Last time I went to the hospital I know they dozens if not hundreds of different blood tests to check for stuff. Got a liver scan and it was normal except slightly large but they weren’t concerned about that. Thanks!
Id stay away from SARMS. I’ve seen concerningly high liver enzymes randomly on guys from them. Affects people in very different ways
Id stay away from SARMS. I’ve seen concerningly high liver enzymes randomly on guys from them. Affects people in very different ways
I decided to just add it to my low dose blast because I had it sitting in my closet for about a year, didn’t expect that to happen. Staying away from sarms now on forsure.
This I tried osterine once and my liver values shot up quite a bit. I don’t remember the numbers but they were really high
they’re very strange. Some guys are completely fine and some will have their values 5-10x the reference range. That big of a gap rarely every happens with anabolics without underlying issues
I decided to just add it to my low dose blast because I had it sitting in my closet for about a year, didn’t expect that to happen. Staying away from sarms now on forsure.
God damn, dude. That's a relief.
I was already digging a hole for you.
It'd be nice to know wtf happened to your liver.
You should really take a step back and have a look at your mental health, though. You were entertaining the idea of dropping your psychiatric drugs so you could run tren. I know you thought it seemed like a reasonable thing to do but that's the problem. When other people are telling you that you're acting crazy but you just don't really see it that way, that's your queue to step back and talk to your doctor again.
I still think that its risky to use one of the moat toxic compound when you don’t know what caused your liver issues in the first place. Then again you might be willing to risk more than me.

However, since we err to the side of harm reduction, most guys here would advise you to contact a doctor to find out what happened and hold off blasting tren or orals till you figure it out.

Great thing is your on top of your bloodwork.
I ended up stopping tren last time with a 300mg run for like 15 days and bloodwork came back alt 2900 ast 900 bilirubin .9 ggt 33-35. Creatine kinase was like 500. I want to start running 70-100mgs a week again. How dumb would this be? Went to the hospital and the doctors never gave any ruling or whatever. Can I be alright if I just get bloodwork a week or so in?
Came across this post after experiencing high alt values on tren also. You can see it in my most recent posts. I’m just wondering if u ever found a fix for it or if the doctor said anything? Do you still think it was the tren or was it something else. I’m stopping cold turkey either way. Now I’m just trying to gain some knowledge on it.
I see it now and I feel like a dipshit for sticking up for him. I saw him as a nerd who was getting picked on for having poor social skills. I'm not sure why I didn't realize what he was doing.
That's the funny thing about manipulation...
Didn't get a chance to respond to you before my 2 week ban and then voluntary vacation from this place. I am sorry you feel/concluded I manipulated you or anyone else.

I took heaps of shit and definitely shouldn't have tagged a few people after the constant attacks. After I received a threat from member via PM on this thread who then lied about it I was certainly was a little pissed off. I'll handle that better in the future. No point in getting worked up by some of these folks.

Take care and just wanted to share that.
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