Chilton Labs - UK Domestic & International

My friend i didn't say I'm not test based. 400 test a week. Not my first cycle, just first time trying anavar. Used before dbol a couple of time with test obviously. Thought anavar will give some kind of edge. But if i need to go over 40mg a day then I'll prefer another injectable instead.
Yes mate all I was saying is don't expect a lot. Especially not been a first cycle, some guys do really well on the stuff but I also believe when they tell you 40mg it's more like 100mg there taking. Maybe have a look at NPP bro
Yes mate all I was saying is don't expect a lot. Especially not been a first cycle, some guys do really well on the stuff but I also believe when they tell you 40mg it's more like 100mg there taking. Maybe have a look at NPP bro
Npp raised my bp unfortunately. Maybe I'll try masteron again. Control some e2 on the way of increasing my test
just received my second order from jeri, took a couple days start to finish. all gone smooth. hope everything fires back up end of august as planned as im confident ordering from him.

regarding anavar i just use it when on a big calorie deficit as im told it helps with muscle retention. never found it to work miracles on bulks but i do tend to look firmer after a month or so
Has anyone tried his primo? It gives me a very bad pip and swelling to the point i can barely walk. This is weird because i havent had problems with any of his other products
On his primo now. No issues.

And I thought I didn't tolerate well MCT but no issues with Chilton's Primo
Are you still doing store credit for bloodwork? It’s not on your website anymore. Only says credit for
Hplc test now
OMFG! bro we are literally similar in stats. I'm 6,3, 13.1% bodyfat and weigh 82.25 kg (currently bulking up back to 91kg from my last cut)If you want peace of mind what I recommend doing is getting a roid test kit online and test your anavar so that way you definitely know weather or not it is definitely 100% anavar.

I've tested Chiltons gear and it all came back what was said on the label so I can't see it being fake/bunk personally and it would be a bad look for Jeri, but you never know do you?

It will most likely come back as what is said on the label and if it does then you need to workout why potentially it isn't giving you the desired result you want.

If it doesn't come back as what is stated on the label then obviously post it here and call out Jeri as that would absolutely be unacceptable, but I highly doubt it from my personal experience and after testing there stuff myself as it's always come back real.

Keep us all updated as I'm also interested.

Only acceptable way of testing is HPLC. Labmax/roidtest have been hit & miss in the past especially for orals. Anavar showing up as Winstrol because of fillers etc.

order received, but 7 packs of Mesterolone instead of 15…
99% sure I replied to your email within 30 minutes of receiving it....

Are you still doing store credit for bloodwork? It’s not on your website anymore. Only says credit for
Hplc test now
It was removed
Reason: Far too many jabronis trying to snake me for store credit when either they haven't even made a purchase or outright lie about how long they have used my products.
Became too much admin work verifying each credit claim.
I must have had at least 8 email exchanges with one guy who was adamant he purchased my products from a different email account but couldn't remember the email + could not provide a single photo of any of the products purchased for a number of reasons.

There is £200 store credit for each HPLC testing report which is a better way of verifying that what I am selling matches the label claim.
Only acceptable way of testing is HPLC. Labmax/roidtest have been hit & miss in the past especially for orals. Anavar showing up as Winstrol because of fillers etc.

99% sure I replied to your email within 30 minutes of receiving it....

It was removed
Reason: Far too many jabronis trying to snake me for store credit when either they haven't even made a purchase or outright lie about how long they have used my products.
Became too much admin work verifying each credit claim.
I must have had at least 8 email exchanges with one guy who was adamant he purchased my products from a different email account but couldn't remember the email + could not provide a single photo of any of the products purchased for a number of reasons.

There is £200 store credit for each HPLC testing report which is a better way of verifying that what I am selling matches the label
fair point.
I did bloods and used my store credit, would’ve quite happily shown proof. Some people just want stuff for nothing these days.
I make you order 08/08/2023 I pay but no news .
Can you come private please for check .
Sorry for English is not my first language :)
I make you order 08/08/2023 I pay but no news .
Can you come private please for check .
Sorry for English is not my first language :)
Why would you pay without confirmation?
He could have changed payment details. And on his website it says he is shut until 21/08
These guys are going to ruin it for the rest of us before long!!
Makes me wonder what damage they are doing to themselves with gear, if they can’t figure out a simple order process…as for the guy that caused the store to shut in the first place - I’m still speechless by his stupidity.